i. na jaemin

49 0 0

c o f f e e s h o p ( j a e m i n  x  m c )

Your energy level is low since it is still early in the morning and you didn't eat breakfast before going to work. The cafe where you're working is currently empty since it just opened a little while ago.

You applied this part time job of being a barista to this newly opened coffee shop and you just started three days ago. You decided that you'll work today and take the morning shift because it's Saturday and you'll be busy in the afternoon but turns out you feel lazy waking up while the sun isn't up yet just to go to the coffee shop.

You had an urge to yawn so you let it go but abruptly stopped when you heard the chime of the bell, signaling that someone is entering the shop. Your eyes shifted to the person who entered, probably the first customer today and your eyes widened a little at the sight of a man approaching you.

He's wearing a casual clothes– a gray hoodie, black track pants and a black mask that is hanging in his chin. His dyed hair is slightly messy and his hooded eyes are scanning the menu behind you.

You corrected your posture, suddenly conscious that a gorgeous man like him is your first customer early in the morning. You thought that if a man like him will be the first person you see at work everyday then you can probably go to work there early in the morning, not minding how it's annoying to wake up at the crack of dawn.

"Excuse me miss."

A deep baritone voice woke you up from your deep thoughts. You blinked a few times then gathered your wits and spoke.

"Yes sir, what's your order?" you cringed a little, hating how shrill your voice sounds.

"Can I order two cups of hot americano?" the man ordered.

You were slightly taken aback at his order. Two cups of hot americano for one person? Maybe he'll wait for someone. His girlfriend perhaps? You cursed at yourself for minding his personal stuff.

"Okay sir. A total of 7,000 won." you stated.

The man gave the exact amount and turned around to scan his whole surroundings, finding a place to sit. He went to the nearest table and sat on the wooden chair.

You began brewing the coffee that he ordered, slightly cautious if another person will enter the coffee shop. The owner of the cafe left a while ago to do some errands so you're the only staff in the shop.

After brewing the coffee, you placed his drinks on the tray and went to the customer to serve the coffee.

"Here's your coffee sir, enjoy your drink." you said, cheeks are burning since you realized that you didn't have to do that but you did.

The corners of his lips rose and looked at you amusingly.

"You didn't have to do but thank you." the customer bowed in gratitude, with a small smirk on his lips.

You went back to your post, cheeks are still scorching hot and heart is beating rapidly.

You watched him sip his coffee, sometimes shifting your gaze to somewhere else because you don't want to look like a creep. Few moments later, he stood up and faced your way. You automatically sat up straight.

"Thank you again and have a nice day." the man bowed slightly and left the shop.

Hours while working in the shop until your shift ends, the morning occurrence is still a big conundrum to you. You thought on when you'll meet him again.

The next day, you woke up earlier than your alarm clock which surprised you since you're usually snoozing off your alarm whenever it rings and proceeds in the dream land but today is special for no reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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