Hey I'm just here to tell you guys to go read my new book Signed, Johnny Jacobs. I think it will be a good book but hey, I've been wrong about my books before.
It will probably suck ass more than I suck co-
Pretend you didn't hear that
I've been roasting myself all day i sWeAR
sO i wAs tAlkInG tO mY frIenD kOTa aNd i sAy sOME sTupId cRap sO hErEs sOmE oF thE sTupId cRaP i SAy
bEcAusE iM a piEcE oF shiT
"If only I had real life friends."
"wait.""i don't have a real life."
"That's a big fat moooooo."
"Cause I'm a cow."
"I'm a living meme but that's weird because I'm dead inside-"
"I'm cracking myself up I should stahp but I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SHUT UP."
see? stupid shit lol
Thanks for reading
PS Have you guys ever noticed how awesome Kev is? He's super cool. He's smart, funny, and gAYYY which means he's the perfect best friend. That's why he's one of mine. He's also a great listener and even though we don't talk for a while he's still pretty cool.
I need to take the trash out because I'm a piece of garbage.