New Student's

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Dawn sprout woke up with a beautiful smile. She had many things to look forward to this morning. One, she gets to see her best friend, Val corona, who was coming back from boot camp today. Two, Yangire High School will be accepting to new transfer students today and Dawn has had the offer to give them a tour to the school. She secretly hoped at least one of them were decent guys, she has never had a boyfriend even though she was labeled the "Prettiest" girl in the 10th  grade. This year, she is determined to get a decent boyfriend. And she just might get her wish.

Dawn shot up out of her black covers and jumped to her closet. She needed to look extra good today. She ended up picking a pair of black skinny jeans with a pink top that showed her shoulders. She rushed over to her "She-stan", which is where she keeps her makeup, and put on a light shade of pink lip gloss and some very light blush. She tries to limit how much make up she wears. She grabs her black  brush, speed brushes, and puts it in a messy pony tail.

She looks into the mirror at herself, smiled, and headed downstairs. " Lord Dawn, you look like a kermit on steroids!!" her little brother,vator said.

"Shut up ferret!" Dawn snapped back at him. Vator was the complete opposite. While Dawn had light brown hair, he had jet black.She had green eyes,while he had blue. He was 14 and so far has had about 20 different girls. It wa quiet ironic to be honest.

" MOOOOM!" Dawn screamed at the top of her lungs. " I'm heading out now!" she said to her. She then shot one last dirty look to her brother, and headed outside to her black TOYOTA CAMRY. Then she realized something, she forgot the keys! She looked at her phone and it said 8:20. She would be considered late in 10 minutes. She groaned as she ran back inside to fetch her keys, which were laying on the kitchen table. She ran and grabbed them the rushed out the door nearly knocking over her little brother and her mother.

"Dawn, dear, no running house!" her mother scolded.

"MOM I'm fixing to be late! bye love you have a great day!" she then rushed out the door and hoped into her car. It was already 8:26, she was already too late. She got there in about 8 minutes. She found the closest  parking spot and parked. From the entrance of the school, you could see the principal, Dr. Blake, talking with some very attractive young men. I stopped, checking my rearview mirror to make sure she  look decent. She then rushed over to the entrance to introduce herself, assuming those are the boy's she has to give the tour to.

She arrived there and caught the principals attention. "Ah! Dawn! I was hoping you would've gotten here a little bit earlier, but at least you didn't show up at all! This is Jacob and Luke . They are the transfer students I wanted you to show show around our "Amazing" school!" Dr. Blake said to her. When they saw her, they looked a bit surprised. She wondered why?

" H-hi I'm Dawn sprouts! I'm 17 and in the 11th grade. Welcome to Yangire High School! I will give you the tour whenever you are ready!" Dawn could barely keep her excitement hidden. Two really hot guy's! And they're brothers! She noticed they were both really tall. Towering over her 5'5 self. One of them had black hair and was really slim. The one standing next to him had light brown hair and was more built then his brother. They were both in my grade, and more then likely the same age but they don't look anything alike!

"Hello dawn, my name is luke, nice too meet you. I hope we become good friends!" the one with brown hair introduced himself with a very warm smile. He seemed like a really nice guy.

"My name is luke.." the one with black hair said. His voice was really husky and he seemed stand-offish . He just looked away and didn't say anything else to me. It became a moment of complete akwardness

"Well, umm..Dawn if you don't mind, I would like you to start the tour. I'll give you an hour and a half and you better not be late." he said to me. He then turned to Luke and said"And you, don't do anything you know your not supposed to do." He said this in a very serious voice.

"Don't worry Dr. Blake! I'll keep him under control" Jacob said to lighten the mood.

"Ok, well we're off! We will be back soon" Dawn said. They started off to the outside part of the school. They then just kinda akwardly walked together. Dawn needed to do something.

"So! where did you guy's move from?" she asked.

"Oh! We moved here from Seoul! We really liked it there but our parents had to get knew jobs so we came here!" Jacob explained.

"Honestly, I don't mean to be a drag or anything but I don't need a tour from some random girl." Luke said.

This made me really upset. I know we are total strangers but he doesn't have to be so cold.

"well, "Mr. Bad Boy", I didn't ask to give a tour to a pig that doesn't know his manners. So I guess we're even!" I retorted. Honestly, what is this guy's problem?

Luke whispered under his breath about something. More and likely Dawn. He then looked at her, but this time his eyes weren't icy cold, they were soft and sincere, almost apologetic .

They just kinda stared at each other for a little bit, almost as if they would die if they looked away; But then, Dawn broke the eye contact because she felt her face get really flushed.

"I-I'm sorry, t-that wasn't me, I've just been looking forward to showing you guy's around since the beginning of the year. I'm class representitive so it's my job to show new students around." she said very quietly. It became akward again until Luke walked a little bit ahead of us.

" He isn't all that bad, you'll get used to him eventually." Jacob said with a sincere smile."He has always been like this, ever since he turned 12."

"It's fine, I don't mind. Are you guy's fraternal twins? I noticed yall are in my grade and ya'll are both 18 so I knew ya'll were somehow". Dawn said stupidly. Ofcourse they are dawn! how stupid are you? she thought to herself.

"Yes we are actually. He is 2 minutes older though. That was the last thing they talked about until they saw a girl with shaved sided hair which was dyed dark pink. 

"DAWN CORONA!!! DID YOU MISS ME ?" The girl screamed. She knew who it was instantly.

Hello to anyone that actually reads my stories, this is now the first chapter of " UNTAMED LOVE" and I know I suck at writing but I need some sort of idea so I did this! I hope you at least enjoyed it!!

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