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As soon as the bus stopped, I alighted and briskly walked along the path leading to the school main entrance. Before I could get to the door I spotted some girls discussing and staring my way in quick succession. They were five in number.

"Damn it!! The Billingsly girls!" I cursed under my breath.

Somehow my feet swayed alittle and I found myself grabbing on to a trash can for support. The next thing I realized was hands reaching for me and holding me up for support. I felt alittle dizzy but I regained my stability and thanked the person.

I looked around only to see the five Billingsly girls around me. I felt weird standing in front of the girls whose boyfriend's I had beaten up so badly.

"What's with you people?" I asked sharply.

They just kept staring my way without saying anything.

"Well, if you gonna hit me or something, please go ahead. I don't have much time left before my class starts." I said with a grin.

I didn't realize if what I said was funny, but they were laughing. So I presumed they thought that I was actually making fun.

One of them, a blonde with blue eyes moved in front of me with this look in her eyes, I was bracing myself for a hard slap on the face. I had even shut my eyes when she spoke.

"Am Natalie, the leader of the Billinglsly group. Am also student president of Central High. So what is your name?"

"Names , Darren." I replied. "Darren Shane"

She nodded.

"Well, my friends and I were wondering if you would join us at our table for lunch...."she mumbled.

"Would?" I asked with a smug. She nodded.

"Well..." I started when another girl with dark curly hair and grey eyes cut me.

"Just say yes!!" She said sharply. "It's the least you can do for beating up our company!"

I gave her this resolved look.. she gave me a quick stare. I had to flinch.

"I would advise you not to get on her bad side!" Another girl from the group said tugging at my shirt gently.

I gave her one look and then raised my hands up. "Okay. Cool. Lunch it is. But now am super late for class if you don't mind, so I better get going."

I was just about to leave when Natalie grabbed my arm. I stopped on my tracks and turned. Before I could get myself to, Natalie moved in on me and planted a kiss on my lip. My face immediately lit up. I felt so heavy all of sudden. I shrugged gently and backed away.

"I really got to go Natalie..." I protested since she still held on to my arm so tightly. " I promise, lunch I will be there"

She let go of my hand and I quickly ran through the door. I could still hear them talking about the kiss and it made my stomach churn.

"What,it was just a little kiss!"I murmured as I knocked on my classroom door.


Mr Alan was already in. He motioned me in and continued his lecture. English was my best subject so Mr Alan and I understood each other quite well.

Mr Alan is in his mid thirties but still looks super young, be it not for his huge classes he would look like some of the seniors in school. Of course no senior wears such glasses in Central High. Maybe something a junior would have and he was way past that already.

The lesson ran on smoothly and was as fun as always with nothing unusual until a knock was heard on the door.

Mr Andrews, the school principal stood there and as soon as Mr Alan gave him his attention, he walked in glaring down at everyone.

"Pardon me class for interrupting your 'class' - he always hated Mr Alan since almost everyone liked him more, including his own staff members-  but you might have noticed that Mickey, your classmate is not in and this is because he transferred over the weekend." He spoke motioning to the desk right beside mine.

I hadn't even noticed Mickey was not in. He was also my chemistry partner. So I guess I won't be seeing his crazy stuff anymore.

"Bummer!!" I said with a grin. " Just as he had started giving me his answers!"

The whole class laughed. Mr Andrews just glared at me.

"Well today, class am privileged to introduce to you a new member. So class, meet Emmery Orsbon. He said motioning for the girl that stood outside to come in.

"Wooooow..." I coughed when in came the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had dark long hair that gracefully fell behind her and trailed as she walked in. She had blue eyes and wore a black dress and had a denim jacket on her upper body. She wore flats on her feet and was staring straight at me. No, wait. The whole class was staring straight at me. Too late, they were laughing again.

"Mr Alan, would you find a suitable position for our new transfer student. I got tonnes if paperwork to do." Said Mr Andrew making it known that he was busy.

He was about to leave the room when he stopped n turned, his dark sadistic eyes glaring towards me. "Oh! I almost forgot. Emmery watch out for that Shane boy. He's a menace and we don't want no bad behavior in school alright?"

Emmery nodded. " Sure, Mr Andrew. No Shane boy, got it!" She replied with this cute smile on her face.

The principal nodded and went his way. As soon as he left the room did the whole class burst into laughter.

"Don't worry miss Emmery, I assure you that Darren is but a good kid. Now, pick a seat will you" spoke Mr Alan as he resumed wity the class.

They were two empty sits in the room. One had never been occupied and we'll the other was Mickey's and it was right beside me. But after an introduction like that, who would want to sit beside me ?
My question got answered the moment I saw the new girl walk towards the other seat and all I could do was burry my face in my hands n curse. "Thanks so f*** much Mr Andrew!!"

I tried so hard to get my mind back in class after that n was typically absent minded at the time Mr alan had just asked a question and was now pointing towards me.

"I.... I... "I stammered trying to get my head thinking straight.

Mr Alan shook his head slightly. "Not you Darren. Emmery would you come up please" he spoke still staring my way.

I turned to see the new girl sitted where Mickey used to sit. But when had she even sat there?

"Correct!" Remarked Mr Alan as he turned to note down the answer on the board.

The new girl still had her eyes fixed on mine. She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and whispered "you don't look like a menace to me!"

I just smiled n got my attention back to class.


As soon as Mr Alan left the room, having forgotten to collect the assignments, almost every other girl followed suite but none of the guys had left yet.

I was still on my phone watching some videos when Emmery grabbed her bag pack and turned to me.

"Hey, aren't you gonna walk me around?" She asked.

I could hear the other guys murmur in dissapointment, so I lied about having a migraine.

She smiled and kept her bag down and she sat back down.
"Then I will stay right here to check up on you"

"What th...? "I said shocked. "You don't take a NO for an answer right?"

She laughed slightly. Showing her full lips and white teeth.

The other guys in the room had already begun leaving the room.
As soon as we were all alone, she tugged at my arm and grabbed my bag.

"You coming or what, Menace?" She laughed.

I gave her a look and laughed as I got up and reached for my bag. "Lead the way!"i spoke n she giggled, walking on n Letting me to trail her perfectly swaying hips.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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