"Wild? That doesn't even begin to explan it."

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Of course when everybody got here, it started getting crazy wild. Crazy quick. It was kind of terrifying actually. Seeing everyone let loose, getting stoned & drunk out of their minds. I'm glad this is OUR party.

As soon as I walked out of the bathroom, there was a couple eating each other's faces off.. Almost literally. But hey, I respect it. They have all of their clothes on, that's a good thing. I guess.

I look to my left & there's my best friend, Carla.. Doing body shots on Marc Wayne. Oh dear lord. What is she getting herself into? She'll forget it in the morning & hopefully he will too.

Then to my right there's a hallway filled with people bumping & grinding like it's their business. Dancing exactly to the bass of the music. I've never seen anything so beautiful.

I walk towards the "synchronized" dancers. I push my way through a couple people & make it to the living room. When I see it all..

There's a couple of lesbians on the couch, I don't mind too much. Cause, they aren't hitting on me or my sister so.. And beside them there's a guy with a bulge in his pants bigger than the Eiffel Tower.

I look over the couch to the love seat where someone is surrounded my a crowd of people and all I hear is "Chug! Chug! Chug!" And cheering. Then of course I hear the song No Hands, by Waka Flacka Flame come on. It's perfect. This is perfect.

I make my way through the crowded kitchen where there seems to be whiskey bottles, vodka bottles, rum bottles, & bud lights cans EVERYWHERE. I make it to the basement to see that our basement door has been knocked off the hinges down the long, wooden steps.. Oh gosh. There's a hole in the wall too.

Mom allowed it..

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