Chapter 11

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You watched carefully. You slowly followed the steps.

Everyone exhausted after class. Mia had come and waited for Jimin.

"Hi Jimin!"said Mia

She hugged him tightly.

"I'm sweaty Mia"said Jimin
"I don't care"said Mia

She held onto him tight.

"Well I'll see you guys next time"said Y/n
"Bye"said Jimin

You left home. So did Jimin and Mia.


"How was work today?"asked Jimin
"It was good,how was your day?"asked Mia
"The teacher chose Me and Y/n to perform a duet"said Jimin
"Really?"asked Mia
"Yeah"said Jimin
"That's...Amazing!"said Mia

Her face did not say the same.

"What's wrong?"asked Jimin
"What?I didn't say anything"said Mia
"You don't look happy. What's wrong?"he asked
"What?I didn't say anything!"said Mia angrily

She marched to the bedroom.

"I'm sorry,don't get angry"said Jimin

He hugged her closely.

"You love me don't you?"asked Mia
"Of course I do,why wouldn't I?"said Jimin

She kissed him, and so did he.

"I love you"said Mia
"I love you too"said Jimin

They both layed in bed. More than cuddling may have happened.

"Jimin!Wake up!"said a voice

Jimin woke up with Mia in his arms still asleep.

"I'm hearing voices in my head"said Jimin

He slowly got out of bed. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

"Hurry or you'll be late!"said a voice
"I won't!"said Jimin

He opened his eyes. Again, no one, nothing. He would never see clear, but the voice was always there. It was always the same voice.

"I'm going crazy"said Jimin


"Happy Birthday Y/n"said a voice

You woke up.

"Did I hear something?"you thought

You got ready for school and left.

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