Moonlit as F*ck

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Lilly: I-hi-hi-hi-hi want to die-hi-hi-hi-hi
Felicity: Why?
Lilly: It's my turn to do a surprise live stream
Thalia: and?
Lilly: and I have to do these f*cking shots, so I told the company and they said inClUdE It, so now I get to show a bunch of people a close up of me putting a needle in my stomach
Felicity: fun
Thalia: yeah... really.....
Rose: dude
That's lit af
Can I film it?
Lilly: 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Rose: I'll take that as a yes?
Lilly: Fine
Rose: YAYYYYY!!!
Lilly: welp
Tell my dignity I'm going to miss her
Sayonara self confidence

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