Chapter 3:Omg

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recap: trin:ok

       meanwhile downstairs

Karlie: omg I can't believe it just went down

sammy:fr right

Karlie:(gives her a dirty look)bitch its yo fault yo boyfriend came with Kendall 

Trin:hey y'all (coming downstairs with trey)

sammy:look at the couple

Trin:u don't need to make it noticeable we all know

sammy:(whispers)uh huh bitch

Karlie: shut the fuck up and leave her alone

sammy:what if i don't bitch

Karlie runs to Samantha and pulls her hair and bangs her head on the floor while sam is trying to swing at her

Breanna:stop bruh aye kesha come get them

Trin: here we go

trin trys to break them apart but Samantha comes after her too then kesha swings at sam and starts kicking her while trey trys to pull trin away while the other boys stop the fight

Trin: u Bitch don't fucking touch me ever again

Karlie:touch me one more time(while deshon got her)

Karlie trys to run up on sam but gets stopped by deshon

Deshon: babe stop plz u might kill her

Karlie: no she need to learn

Deshon:plz bae

Karlie:ok but make her stay away from me

Deshon:ok lets go upstairs so u can calm down

Karle:I'm srry i was like that its just that she talk to much and needs to shut her mouth

Deshon:forget her


         meanwhile downstairs

Trey:babe next time calm down forget her

Trin:tell her to not talk shit maybe i will

Trey:ok babe (pecks trin on the lips and hugs her)

Kendall: this is fucked up

sammy:shut up

Kendall: shut the fuck up before you get yo ass beat again

walter:plz just shut up

Kendall: I'm out y'all people crazy

breanna:can i go with u

kendall: sure shawty

breanna:(blushes and smile)

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