Skip 2 Next Friday Claire doing homework on the porch, Selena drawing on her porch and Justin washing dishes Car pulls up Zayn gets out Selena: JUSTIN! Zayn: hey selena Selena: hey zayn the pain Zayn: drawing? Selena: no shit sherlock Justin walks out Justin: Zayn *walks up man hugs him* Selena: CLARIE COME HERE Claire looks up Selena: come meet Zayn Claire gets up and walks over to them Selena: Zayn meet my bestie and my next door neighbour Claire, Claire Justin's cousin Zayn Claire: uh hi Zayn: hey *smiles* nice to meet you Claire Claire: you too Zayn Zayn: your very beautiful Claire blushes Claire: thanks Melissa: CLAIRE MUM WANTS YOU Claire: i'll see you later *walks into her house* Justin: ooooo Zayn: piss off cuz Selena: you have a crush awwwwwww *feels sick runs to the bathroom and throws up* Justin quickly follows her holds her hair back Zayn walks into the bathroom Zayn: sorry didn't know i had that affect on people Justin: dude *laughs* Selena pulls away from the toilet Justin: baby you okay Selena: no *throws up again* Justin rubs her back and holds her hair back also Zayn: ew i'll unpack my stuff in the spare bedroom *grabs his stuff and walks upstairs* Later on Selena eating pickles Claire walks in Claire: hey sel Selena: Hey Claire Justin: babe are you feeling better? Selena: yeah can you get me some strawberries Justin: sure Claire: what happened Zayn: she threw up four times Claire: sel are you okay? Selena: I'm fine Next Morning, Selena throwing up again Justin wakes up to gagging quickly runs into the bathroom sees selena throwing up holds her hair back and rubs her back Justin: baby? Selena: mmm Justin: you okay Selena throws up again wipes her mouth flushes the toilet the brushes her teeth Selena: i think so *rubs her eyes* Justin: you sure? shall we go to the doctors Selena: No i'm fine for now Justin: okay what do you want for breakfast Selena: a full english breakfast i'm hungry Justin: after throwing up Selena: justin just do it please Justin: okay get dressed, love you *pecks her lips* Selena: love you too Justin walks downstairs and makes breakfast now i have one more ep lol xxx