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"Pack everything ok?"


"Hmm... Everything!"

"But for what?"

"For honeymoon!"

"Eeeee...." She squealed in excitement.

"Where are we going?"

"At a place where we have all the privacy!"

"Hm... So you aren't telling me!"


"Ok! Tell me what to pack?"

"Pack everything that we bought that day!" He winked.

"Everything!" She gasped.

"Everything means everything!" He says getting close to her with a lopsided smirk playing on his lips.

"No! Everything doesn't includes nothing!" She says thoughtfully ignoring the lusty looks of her husband.

"There goes 56th way to destroy romantic moments by Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada." He says irritated and slaps his head.

"Haww! When did I do that. Yesterday we had good share of romance!" She reminded him, making him cock his eyebrow at her.

"Ok! Ok! We didn't get, well! enough time because of Laxmi-ji!" She blushed when Laxmi, the goat caught them red-handed in very compromising situation. Almost naked.

"Seriously Khushi, you blushing thinking that!" He asked, giving her a look that screamed 'Did-you-lose-it-completely'!"

"So? She saw us like that. What if she says it to Nani-ji! Hey Devi Mayia! Don't let her tell anything to anyone!" She prayed.

"Khushi. Shut up. Sometimes I wonder whom I had married!" He said rolling his eyes and waved his hands in air.

"A girl!"

"Oh, I thought a baby!" He mocked.

"I ain't a baby!"

"You are!"

"Are not!"

"You are Khushi. Accept that!" He said and moved towards the wardrobe.

"NOO. I am not a baby."

"Prove me!" He said and took his clothes out.

"Prove? What the! Can't you see a big 21 years old girl infront of you." She said displaying herself.

"I can't." he shrugged and leaned at the end of cupboard crossing his arms.

"See. I am here. A 21 years old" She displays herself, again.

"Are you sure?"

"Without a doubt!"


"Then it won't be difficult to prove!" Saying that he went and slammed the door shut of the bathroom.

"Yes! Wait... What?"

"He is so bad. Always leaves in middle of our conversation. But how do I prove him that I ain't a baby!"

"I had packed everything."

"Good." He said typing in his mobile.

"Do you need any help in packing?"

"Um... No. Its almost done."


"You didn't prove it yet Khushi?"

"Prove what?"

"That you are not a baby!" Saying he ran from there.

Later at night, Arnav returned late from work. He saw Khushi sitting playing something on her cell. Tiptoeing to her, he wrapped his arm around her neck, making her jump on her seat.

"Arnavji, you scared me!!!" She said, placing her hand above her heart.

"Aww, my baby is scared!" He teased

"I. Ain't. A. Baby." She said gritting between her teeth.

"Hmm." Giving a nonchalant look, he picked his blazer from the chair beside, kissing his wife on cheek, left to freshen up.

"The conversation isn't over yet." She whisper yelled to his retreating figure and started preparing their plate for dinner.

Filling all the dishes, she marched upstairs to their room.
Opening up to see him only in a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Can you please wear some clothes Arnavji!" She says, turning around immediately.

"Aww... The baby is shy." He teased.

"Urgh!!!!" Turning in a furious way, she kept the tray on the coffee table and marched to him. Holding him from his shoulders, she made him bent and crashed her lips to his.

The kiss was a fervent one. She almost had the control, untill he held her hair in his grip. She nipped his lower lip and tilted her head to match his pace but who was she kidding man!

He was ASR.

Holding her from hips, he made her turn swiftly making her loose her grip on him. Taking the advantage of the situation, he pressed himself onto her and pushed his tongue inside her sweet mouth.

Moaning at her taste, he pinched her waist making her eyes slightly wide. She struggled in his grip to free, but then he started tickling her.

Tickle made them leave each other's mouth. They took in sufficient amount of air for their lungs. Panting, Arnav with hawk eyes looked at her.

"Ahan!! Trying to prove that you aren't a baby? Is it?"


"But you failed miserably... baby." He winked.


I just wanted to write something where Arnav annoys Khushi on something. I couldn't think anymore than this.

Although it didn't came out as I wanted. But yeah!!

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