I Like You

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"Hey Arnav" Aman called him.

"Ya, hey?" He replied checking his phone. He just arrived as Aman, his best friend wanted to have a serious conversation with him.

"How you doing?"


"Where is everyone?" He asked plopping himself on the couch beside him.

"I.. umm... Actually wanna talk to you about something." He hesitated.

"Go on." He ushered him to continue, still dug in his cell.

"No. I need your complete attention."

Sighing, he flipped his cell aside and he sat straight.

"Did you had a fight with someone?"

"Obviously, no."

"So?" He said cracking his fingers bones.

"I..." He paused, nervousness hitting him.

"Come on.. what it is? I left my game for you."

"I don't know how to say this..."

"You got a new fling?"

"What! No.."


"You know we have been friends for so long now and-"

"Around seven years now. Ok. Next?" He rolled his eyes.

"I mean I share my everything with you. Like my problems, my happy moments, my sorrows, my anxiety, my family matters and... and everything-"

"Ok.. I know that. Now get to point." He was starting to get pissed now.

"I mean I like it when you care about all this for me. Like you think me as your family."

"Urgh!!! Come to point." He gritted his teeth.

"You aren't helping me." He frowned. Arnav took deep breaths to calm his anger.

"I just like... I mean... Like how you support me, how you stand by me, for me and everything. I love the way you dress, your hair." Aman got a little close to Arnav.

"What do you wanna say?" Arnav got a little uncomfortable.

"Ok." Taking a deep breath, "I... I like you." He immediately closed his eyes not wanting to see his expression.

Whereas Arnav was beyond shocked. He immediately stood and made enough space between them.

"Are you out of your fucking mind!" Arnav yelled at him. He was literally shaking. He fisted his palm to calm his nerves.

Oh fuck!!! What the hell.

"Arnav... See, I know this-"

"This is a joke. It has to be a joke. You fucking can't be serious dude." Arnav mellowed.

No fucking way, did his best friend just confessed his love for him.

Urghh!!! This has to be a fucking lie. A joke. A prank...

"Arnav-" Aman stood up and reached him.

"Don't touch me." He shooed him away.

After a deep breath, he looked at Aman.

"This is a joke, right? Tell me?"

"No. I am confessing my feelings for you and you think this is a joke." He mused.

"Aman... But you were into girls the last time I checked." He spoke.

"I thought I liked girls. But lately I had been liking you, looking at you more than a friend, your body-"

"Urgh!!!! Shut up." He closed his ears, frustrated.

"I am leaving." He announced and picked his cell moving out towards door.

"No Arnav, please listen." Arnav didn't stop and reached his car. "Hey!! Wait. I know this is awkward and all. But you don't need to feel the same for me-"

"Dude, I am straight. Do you understand, I am into girls and definitely not into guys." He eyed him from head to toe, with eww face.

"Hey!!! Don't insult me atleast. You are hurting my feelings." He looked away, wiping away a tear.

Arnav sighed. Although he wanted to so badly escape the situation, but he was his friend. No matter what he feels, they are friends.

"Ok. I'm sorry. But Aman look, this isn't possible."

"I know."

"Let's talk inside." Aman nodded.

Settling on the couch at comfortable distance, both sat awkwardly.

"Arnav, will this affect our friendship?"

"I wish it doesn't if you are normal around me and don't eye fuck me. I am good."

"That's not possible!"

"I am leaving." Arnav headed towards the door for the second time.

Suddenly he heard the burst of laughter. He turned to see Aman and Khushi laughing like maniac.

"What the-" rolled out of his tongue.

Aman and Khushi hi-fied each other.

"You are pranked my buu-oyee" Khushi smirked after getting back normal.


"This was a prank." He confirmed.

"Obviously, I am straight." Aman mimicked Arnav and laughed.

Gritting his teeth, Arnav pounced on Aman and strangled him.

"Arnav... Leave him. He will die." Khushi jumped in to save the poor fellow.

"Nobody can save him today." He punched him in guts.

"Oww." Aman shrieked in pain.

Slaping him once again, he pulled himself off him and dusted away his clothes.

"Whose plan was it?" He asked.

Aman pointed towards Khushi who tried hiding herself behind a cushion.

"Obviously." He mused throwing his hands in air.

Khushi grinned knowing so well that her boyfriend would never yell at her. She jumped on his back catching him off-guard.

"Crack head, get off me." He held her legs to not let her fall.

She shook her head and kissed his cheek. Aman jumped on Khushi's back making them lose their balance. They all fell on their butts.

"Will you kick his butt, or should I throw him off a cliff." Arnav gritted his teeth at Aman. Aman and Khushi made a puppy face at him.

"Fuck you both." He stood and left finally speeding off his car.

Aman and Khushi laughed out louder at the success of their plan.


This shot definitely isn't written to hurt someone's sentiments or make a joke of someone's feelings for liking same sex. If I am making someone uncomfortable, please pardon me for it. I am sorry.

It was just a prank shot that came into my mind and I penned it down. Hope you liked it

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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