Rock Lee

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On Naruto's first night back from training, Ino made a get together at her house. About ten minutes ago Sakura came up with the amazing idea of playing Seven Minutes In Heaven. And currently it's you and Lee in the closet.

You didn't really mind since you and Lee were close friends. The only thing was you had a major crush on him, but you wouldn't tell anybody about it. In fact the only thing that has this information was your diary. But that went missing the other day.

So here you were alone. In a dark closet. With your crush. Letting the time fly. Whereas anyone elce in this situation would've been making out heavily by now.

After what seemed like an eternity Lee finally spoke, "_____, meet me at your apartment." He whispered in your ear. "I know where your... diary is." His voice and words alluring you.

~After The Party~

You walked straight to your home once the party was over. As soon as you were there you saw that the door was already open. Probably got tired of waiting, you thought lightly.

Inside your apartment there was no sign of Lee. So you walked into your room to get ready for bed.

You kicked off your shoes and pulled off your socks leaving them on the floor. Then you started to pull off your shirt. But suddenly you felt a pair of hands on yours. "Let me help you with that."

You turned around to see Lee. Instantly you pulled down your shirt so that he couldn't see your stomach. "W-what a-are you d-doing?" You stuttered.

"I read your diary, _____." He told you as you blushed 50 shades of red. "I know you like me." Lee added as he pushed you onto your bed.

You were about to protest when you felt him lean in. "I like you too~..." He whispered in your ear seductively. He licked the outer edge of your ear. Then trailed your neck with kisses. Making a small moan escape from your lips.

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