The Warning

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They are coming soon and when they come they all come and they will be angry and when they're angry they are blood thirsty animals (they are animals but that was a saying), anyway back to whats important they will be here soon every country, every state, every town and every house filled and over loaded with dangerous, vicious, and scary animals of one specie. There has been only one person to witness these monsters and he luckily is still here to tell his story

Mr. Lopes (witness and warner of the mysterious creatures coming to invade tells his story)

I was sitting in my car late after work about to head home but before that I just had to send an email through to my boss about the profits made in the day and once I done that I put my phone down and the put my headlights on and wave bye to my co-worker but when I look up there it is, a pug? Most of you people would think awww!! Well no I personally love pugs myself but this... There was something about this pug that was different to others, it was drooling blood not slobber its eyes were bright red and its teeth were as sharp as razor blades kid of like fangs in a way and by the time I could say holy pug it sprinted and pounced onto my window and smashed it without taking any damage and in an attempt to bite me I saw that down his throat was a mysterious cog looking thing but I wasn't sure what it was but the main problem was I shoved it out of my car and it started to bleed a little as I watched mysteriously a drop of blood falling to the floor and splash it hit and must of attracted more of these killer pugs because I scarcely watched as 3 more of these animals appeared from nearby bushes, I put my car in "drive" and took of. The next morning I was watching the news and something was mentioned about pugs which caught my eye I leaned in more in full concentration and it was based at my work, the news headline was Veronica Donald eaten by pugs, then it hit me she was my work mate, I got really worried and decided to hand my story into the news and the animal attack agency but they said I was unreal so I reported my story to the local police department and they said that they would like to look further into this case and so I gave them full permission to publicise my story as it can be taken as a warning by locals and if it spreads then the world.

Mr. Lopes says if anyone comes close to this nasty pug thing have a look down its throat and see if you can find a cog shaped object if so retrieve it for it could be the power source

NEWS FLASH: Mr. Lopes believes right now the safest place to be is in Mildura, Victoria, Australia mainly because there is the least chance of anything like a cyclone, earthquake, tsunami but most least likely to occur would be a world take over

BREAKING NEWS: locals from around America believe it could be an illuminati attack for a new world order due to the high risks of these dangerous canines taking over

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