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I may work on this in the future but for now, hope you enjoy? Please leave your comments in the allocated area. Appreciate feedback. Thank you (:

I nervously waved goodbye to my brother, a guilty smile covering my face. He stood at the short, rusted metal gate absent-mindedly waving in reply. I really hope this works

I closed the dark wood door and sighed. This will be one interesting night. I pulled the phone out of my pocket. I’m sure brother won’t miss this. I looked her up in his contacts but he’d deleted everyone. EVERYONE! He must be really messed up. I checked recent calls and found 12 missed calls from Linda. So, she obviously still cares. This may be easier than I thought. I called her number.


Brother has been gone ten minutes already. Is he seriously so shaken up he’s having trouble at a convenience store?! Suddenly the door bell rung. I ran down the stairs quickly, almost tripping on the steep, cream, carpet covered steps. I couldn’t see who it was through the door’s rose patterned stain glass window but opened it without hesitation.

It was Linda. Her short, straight platinum blonde hair framed her pale face, resting perfectly on her shoulders, but it was starting to frizz. The rain, I guessed glancing up at the sky. She had on a short, strapless aqua dress with a white ribbon tied around her waist, her eyes clearly expressing her annoyance.

When she saw me her face lit up. “James!” She screamed as she pulled me into a hug. I felt her soft body pressed tightly against my chest. Desire began to rise in me as I took in her light, sweet perfume. Shit

“Um…” I started awkwardly, my voice weak. “I’m Oscar” I managed to get out, my voice almost breaking. Damn she’s hot. She immediately released me and stood back, then began cautiously looking me over. I calmed myself down, praying she didn’t notice.

“I really can’t tell the difference” She said sighing “Sorry” she stated earnestly, a smile lighting her face.

“It’s fine” I replied, thoroughly embarrassed.

“So you called me over?” She guessed.

“Well, yeah” I replied guiltily

“It’s alright” she said smiling sympathetically “Can I come in?”

I opened the door wide and ushered her in like a gentlemen, well, more like a tense butler. She came in and crossed the open hall to the couch, sitting down leisurely. I followed, planting myself next to her and an awkward silence followed. I started as her seemingly perfect face developed worry lines. She seemed to be focused on something intensely but just as I was about to speak she snapped out of it, her sudden movements startling me.

“Sorry” she said as she pulled out her phone out of a cleverly disguised pocket. She appeared to text a few quick messages, meanwhile I just sat there. When she was done she let out a sigh.

“Can I talk to you?” she asked hopeful as she turned to me.

“Um…sure, what about?” I was feeling nervous. James had warned me that she was ‘unstable’. Though I wasn’t sure quite what he meant, if she started talking about some real issues I might end up giving her some bad advice. Her eyes quickly began to blur with tears. Oh no.

“I’m sorry” she said trying to wipe them away “I just don’t know who I can turn to now. Everyone abandons me and then they just have to disappear. I don’t want James to disappear!” She quickly wrapped her arms around me before I could react. It was pretty awkward for me, but I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. As she was crying into my shoulder, desperate for some kind of reassurance I realised…this girl needs help; serious help. My brother couldn’t provide real support not with as full a life as he has, taking care of his and my school fees with his multiple jobs. Meanwhile I needed to take care of our little sister Suzie.   

It was then that I’d decided to change my goal. I need to turn her off James and get her to get some help. I was still a little unsure about everything though. Is this really what he meant by ‘unstable’?

The night went on slowly, with Linda telling me about those that had left her. I found it curious though, that she never told me why. Still I continued, trying to empower her with a bunch of facts I’ve heard of at school and whatever I could remember from the ‘talks’ I was forced to listen to from guest speakers previously thought useless. After a little time I noticed her pulling out her phone. She sent a few texts now and then, not disrupting the conversation. My curiosity continued to grow but I simply listened and told her what I knew, trying my best not to distract me or her from the goal.

There was a sudden silence at the sound of the front door opening and closing. Finally he’s home. I looked to Linda who seemed to have lost any inspiration I’d given her. Darn. His footsteps were lost after the last few steps, signalling me that he was headed straight for bed. Linda’s face turned into a pleasant smile without any obvious cause.

“Which way is the kitchen? Sorry but I’m really thirsty”.

“It’s right over here” I say starting to get up.

“No!” she said urgently, her voice startling me. “I’ll just be a minute. Can I please go alone?”. I looked into her innocent eyes and found myself searching for something, but nothing came to me.

“Oh, just back to the front and take a right” I said snapping out of my trance. She left the room, leaving me to think about everything. I wanted to figure this girl out. I felt a slight vibration and noticed she’d left her phone. I wasted no time in reaching for it.

I found myself horrified as I scrolled through the messages. I didn’t know who she’d been texting but the words repulsed me. She had been sitting next to me, talking normally, albeit at bit depressed while texting such discussing things. She described what had happened to all those that left her and how they’d disappeared. The words described blood, body parts and screams in such vivid detail. She’d been telling me half the story and texting the other. I saw my brother’s name in capital letters. I dropped the phone, terrified. At the end was text slang used so casually, as if it was a normal conversation. Those letters had shocked me the most. It read: BRB.

I felt something behind me and turned, my eyes widening in horror. She stood only a metre in front of me, half drenched in blood. Her soft features were twisted into a menacing, bloody smile that sent chills down my spine. She came closer. I wanted to run away but my fear paralysed me. I closed my eyes, wishing it all away.

I know there isn’t all that much plot here as I’m a shot story novice. I guess this is a bit wimpy as a horror story. I’ll either take this down or do some major editing at some point. Well anyway, thanks for reading (:

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