Chapter 4

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Louis' POV

     When I woke up, I noticed Liam was stirring uncomfortably. He was clinging to me tightly as if he was afraid someone would separate us. I guess, he wasn't having the best dream. I glanced at the clock and it was 9:30. We'd better go get breakfast.

- Li? Wake up, bud.

     He groaned and snuggled closer to my chest. He was practically lying right on top of me. Thank God, he is really lightweight.

- Liam. Come on, you should wake up. - I tried again a bit louder and succeeded this time.

     He slowly opened his heavy eyelids and looked at me. I'm sure he isn't even close to being a morning person, cause he just huffed and rested his head on my shoulder.

- Let's go to the kitchen. You must be starving. I know I am. - I said and shook him a bit.

- Ok. - He yawned, not eager to move an inch.

     I just stared down at him till he got the idea and got up. Following me out of the room, he softly grabbed my hand and let me drag him to the kitchen. Just when we were near the door, I smelt the sweet scent of fresh waffles.

- Hazza! My man! We having waffles today? - I asked entering the kitchen and giving him a side hug.

- Yeah, your favorites. - He smiled at me warmly.

- What would we do without you? Live on fast food or the crap I call self-made food. - I sighed. Lemme just tell you. I'm a terrible, terrible cook.

- No, Lou. You and Zayn would starve to death, cause Niall would steal all the food. - He said and finished putting the hot waffles on the plate.

     I grabbed some juice and glasses and went to sit down beside Liam.

- Li, you want juice or tea? I guess you don't drink coffee yet. - I asked him.

- Juice. - He answered with a small smile, causing the other three stare at us with wide eyes. They looked shocked. Oh, right! This is the first time they heard his voice.

- Wow! I ca... Lou... wha... How? - Niall stuttered. Honestly, I have no idea what he was trying to ask, so I just answered with whatever came to my mind.

- Oh, yeah. Guys, this is Liam. He's fourteen. And... um... Well, we got to know each other, and he's the sweetest guy, honestly. - I playfully pinched his cheek, till he pushed my hand back. -And, I forgot to mention, he is going to stay with us, right Li? - I said calmly.

     Liam just nodded shyly and moved a little closer to my side.

- So, where are you from? Do you have siblings? What hobbies do you have? Do you play any instruments? Which is your favorite pizza topping? Do you play football? Marvel or DC? Do you watch Game of Thrones? Which is your favorite color? - Niall started rambling loudly. Seriously, this guy has no boundaries. I barely managed to get a sentence from the boy, and then there is Niall.

- Woah, woah, woah. Calm down, Nialler! You'll choke on that waffles. Leave him alone, ok? Not everybody is as talkative as you. - I warned him, but I was surprised when I heard an almost inaudible and small giggle leaving Liam's lips. I looked down at him and grinned. He wasn't as terrified as before, and I think he will start talking to the other lads soon.

     We dug in our yummy food, while Niall was having his third one already. But I noticed Liam was just playing with his waffle. He only touched his juice.

- Li, you have to eat, ok? - I told him quietly.

     He looked up at me with pleading eyes. But before he could say anything I interrupted him.

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