Obstetricians have long recommended their obese patients not gain as much weight as thinner women during their pregnancy. The Big Diabetes Lie Review According to a new study from Denmark, the recommended amount for obese diabetic women should possibly gain, be even less than was previously believed.In a study reported on in the journal Diabetes Care in January 2013, researchers at the Center for Pregnant women with Diabetes in Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, reviewed the records of 58 obese Type 2 diabetic women who had given birth to a single child...1. The women had all been advised to gain from 0 to 5 kg, or 11 pounds, during their pregnancy. Seventeen of the women gained 5 kg or less. Diabetic mothers tend to give birth to overweight babies, but those who gained the recommended amount had lower birth weight infants and fewer who were considered overweight.2. Delivery dates were also closer to term in the low weight gain group. Two hundred and eighty days is considered a normal length for pregnancy. Women who gained 5 kg or less had pregnancies of 268 on average. The average length of pregnancies for women who gained more than 5 kg was 262 days.3. Babies of women who gained the recommended amount had a lower risk of health problems during their first month after birth than did those from mothers who gained more than 5 kg.Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. Obese women are at high risk for both Type 2 and Gestational diabetes. If you are obese and contemplating pregnancy, then normalize your weight before conception. If you are pregnant, obese, and Type 2 diabetic, discuss weight gain with your doctor or midwife. It is likely you do not need to gain as much as an underweight or normal weight woman.To burn calories, the majority of pregnant women are able to walk, swim, or perform many of the activities they did before pregnancy. Put physical activity onto the list of things to discuss with your healthcare provider.
Living With Diabetes: Diabetes Complications
FantasyDuring the past ten years, The Big Diabetes Lie Review one of the most suffered diseases is diabetes. Diabetes happens when the body is unable to make use of its own insulin or release sufficient insulin to change sugar into energy for the cells. T...