Chapter 11

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Silas was awake and had shifted so that he could kick the back of my seat. It wasn't constant, it was sporadic and enough to slowly drive me crazy. He'd decided to join the game and this one was to see how far we can push Dahlia before she snaps.

At the horizon, I could see the first signs of dawn. It was already light and we'd escaped the road works but we were not close enough to what I now called the dump point. It wasn't a castle or a manor house, it was a mansion of sorts but nothing when compared to what the other leaders lived in. Alaric was a different kind of leader, one that didn't need things in his life to show how great he was.

"Where are we going, Daaaahlia?"

"To a car park."

"What for?"

"It's where we're going to sleep for the day."

"I'd much prefer a hotel."

"So would I but I can't trust you so, you're staying in the car."

Turning through the city streets, I searched for an ideal carpark. One that was wide enough that I could park in the center or against a wall and ensure that we were hidden from the sunlight.

"What's wrong with the tracker?"

"You could wait until I'm asleep again. I learn from my mistakes so, you will remain where you are."

"That's alright, I suppose."

My eyes narrowed, not believing that he'd be so willing to behave. I was not going to trust him.

When I found a good parking lot, I turned into the driveway and took the card out of the machine. The boom lifted slowly and the darkness beckoned us into her divine arms. Finding a park quickly, I stuffed my bag into the footwell of the front passenger seat and then got out of the car.

Silas was a little stunned when I got into the backseat with him, more so when I shut the door and clicked the fob to lock the doors. Tossing the keys into the center console, I turned back to Silas.

"We can do this one of two ways," I said, sitting on the edge of the seat. "Either you hand over the key that you're hiding or I search you and find it for myself."

He grinned madly, his arms widened.

"Help yourself."

Damn it. I wanted him to hand it over. I didn't want to touch that body.

Patting over his shirt from a distance wasn't easy, I moved closer. There was nothing so I continued lower, searching his pockets.

"Perhaps you'd like to make the search easier?"

"Well, it would be better than risking your hand hitting things that only want to show their affection for you but sadly, no."

"You know what would be better than this? Telling me where you've hidden the key."

"I could tell you but you won't like it."

Sitting back, I realized how close I'd gotten. Too close. Silas leaned forward, taunting me with a wicked smile.

"It's at the hotel with the front desk," He whispered. "I knew that you wouldn't believe me so I played along just to annoy you."

"You cannot seriously think that I'm going to,"

His lips pressed to mine, a cautious kiss that was pretty damned good considering there was hardly any weight to it. His cuffed hand reached out, barely reaching the skin of my thigh. It slid higher, pushing my skirt up with the other hand.

I couldn't resist. Already feeling cheated out of the memories from yesterday, I wanted to know what it was like to be with him. I'd broken the rule already, what did it matter if I did it again?

Opening his pants, I heard a snap. Silas grinned in the kiss as something soft tickled over my thigh. My panties, now broken, tossed onto the seat beside us. The hand slid over the skin, the touch made my mind scattered. I gasped as he slipped two fingers in, driving them deep. His lips dragged over my jaw as my head rolled back, ecstasy climbing high.

Trailing the soft lips over my neck, Silas kept moving his fingers inside of me. It felt like he was wired to me, like he could feel how ready I was, how close I was to bursting apart. I groaned when he bit me, his fangs broke through the skin and the scent of my blood filled the air around us. Ecstasy rocketed through me, creating sensations that made me delirious and scattered.

The sound of the chain rattling roused me, I looked down at Silas. Blood coated his teeth, making me hungry. One chaste kiss filled me with a burning need, a hunger that I've never felt until today. Ripping open his shirt, I leaned in and bit him.

A heavy groan of ecstasy escaped, Silas pulled me tighter to his body, lowering me into place. Licking the wounds shut, I shifted into a better position and began moving. The steady rocking as we stared deep into each other.

Seconds became minutes, heavy breathing and desperate kisses filled the time into a blur. When the need for more took hold, Silas lifted me off his lap. I know that he wanted to be free of the restraint but he would not ask. He knew that I wouldn't let him go.

With my back pressed into the corner of the seat and the door, I waited for Silas to get into position. He was struggling with the handcuff and all I could do was smile. A little twisted and definitely enjoying his frustration.

When he realized that it was never going to work, Silas glared at me. Restraining the smirk, I shimmied down the seat so that part of me was on the seat and the rest of me was against the door.

"It would be easier,"

"Not happening." I interrupted.

He pushed into me, delving deep until our bodies touched.

"You're a pain in the ass."

"Imagine what this could be like if you didn't run away."

It could be amazing and I knew that because it already was.

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