Raped by my Idols

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Chapter 1

My name is CC, I live in Sydney Australia I am 16 years old and Im not you typicl girl I like getting down and dirty but this time it went a little to far........


I was walking home from my job as a lifegard along the sunny beach of Bondi, I must admit it was getting late really fast so I thought I would take a short cut down the dark gloomy alley way....creepy right, but thats when I heard a noise then I saw two boys approch me at first I thought nothing of it then they offered me a ride home thats when I made my first mistake I agreed to the ride polietly I gave them my adress and then they started drinving. I dont want to be rude so I intrduce myself " hey guys my names CC whats yours?" they gave me a disscusted look and the boy with dark skin punched me out cold.

I woke up about 4 hours later in a drak room tied to what I think was a bed, I tried screaming and thats where I made my seconed mistake  then all of a sudden a dark figuer appeard and slapped my face "shut up you worthless bitch" he yelled. I cried those words hurt me almost as much as my face did, then I noticed his eyes went red, wait did I see that corect his eyes went back to brown before i could have my seconed look.


Who do you guys think it is???? Leave me a comment if you would like to be in this story 




Love Georgia and Sarah 

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