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Jungkook wiped those tears that are ready to fall, he now hate reading sad endings

I mean most of the books he read were pretty happy just like the Project to take care Babies that he recently read before Just Blood and he didn't want that and now he hate sad endings too

Jungkook lets out an sigh as he placed the book on his nightstand, he tuck himself in the bed as he pull the duvet up on his chest, staring at the ceiling

He just could not understand the singularity of the book

First - a human just got in love with the vampire vice versa, I mean most of the books are like that

But in Jungkook tought he did somehow despised vampires, you can't blame him so don't come at him

Second - He found Jeonghan so fucking wierd, like really wierd why won't he just ask thier grandparent thingy and why the heck he still goes to taehyung and fuckin kill him if he himself have the heritage

And lastly Third - why the fuck do men get pregnant?! It was wierd as fuck, how did the baby got out?

He shook those toughts off but he liked the book, the author is really great even though he didn't know the person who wrote it down

Wierd right? I mean its not about the author its about the story

Jungkook looked at the book and grabbed it, looking down at the cover page "Kim Won" he mumbled as he arched his brow, he grabbed his laptop from the floor and search Kim Won in the google

He clicked the first article he saw and read everything

Kim Won a trending author this year the one who wrote Just Blood, sold nationwide and got sold out in just 30 minutes.

"Why did you write the book?"

"when I was 13 I used to get dreams that I have a family which consists of two fathers and it countinued through the years"

"when I turned 15 I started writing my dreams and somehow they are connected to each other"

"then I turned 21 a writer but somehow my books are not that catchy to the eye of teenagers, I was fixing our basement in daegu until I found an old leather notebook"

"I was cringing at the time, how I wrote things down that time, so I revised it and here it is"

"its because of the persons of my past life, they have an amazing story but unfortunately V dies"

"may I ask is V and Jk thier real names?"

"no but I'd rather not talk about it. Those were personal manners."

Its his past life who becomes his inspiration and he was thankful, we all know that his past life is pretty peculiar but who cares many people liked the book. He also said that the moral of the book is love is for everyone

No matter who ever you are, you are still needed to be loved, no matter if you are a vampire, an werewolf, an zombie, a fat person, a skinny person. Love is for everyone, and everyone needs to be loved just like how V and jk they both have thier thick and thins but still they loved each other and they will be as V said

Jungkook closed his laptop feeling tears again, he wiped those with his sweater

He just found Won so admirable and wise, he opened the book forgotting to read the last page

"till death do us apart, i'll love you with every single beat of my heart. I'll see you again"


He tightly hugs the book in his chest ready to bring this back at the library, his mind was too occupied so he didn't noticed that he bumped with someone already

And he didn't know that he fell on his butt on the ground

"oh i-i'm sorry" the man said with deep voice, Jungkook looks up seeing an masterpiece or you may say an angel

"I-u-uh that's ok" Jungkook stumbled om his words as he stood up "oh your reading that book?" the man said pointing at the red book earning a vigorously nod from Jungkook

"oh that one has sad endings hope that Kim Won would do a sequel" the man said finishing it with a chuckle "yeah hope so..."Jungkook mumbled
"oh by the way what's your name?" the man asked

"oh I'm Jungkook!"

"nice to meet you Jungkook i'm Taehyung"


Low key just kidding ;)

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