Chapter 1. Wellcome to The Earth.

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Noble's POW

"Argh...Is everyone alright?! " I asked rubbing my head. We landed...well...crashed on the organic planet called The Earth. Although we are transformers it wasn't the first organic planet we have been to. The spaceship was barely functional so that is why our landing can't be called as the greatest one...I wonder how long I've been out and it felt like my processor was going to blow. My brother's seat was in front of mine.

"I'm... functional...Awch!... Hope so..." Striker answered lifting up his servo. His twin -Freedom- was at his right, sitting in the pilot's seat.

« In one piece. You?" she tiredly turned her head onlining the bright primrose optics.

"Fine. Harmony?" our little sister was sitting next to me.

"I'm okay." she undid her belt and stood up" Ravage damaged his claw !» she noticed looking at our panther like techno-organic friend and companion. He was a huge and a strong creation, a dangerous and a deadly looking hunter but for us a part of the family. Irony...The black cat was sitting at the back part of the ship shining with his red optics. His right front leg was damaged so I followed my sister to check his condition.

" I can't believe! We did it! We realy did it! "cheared Freedom, still not believing that we landed to this planet in one piece.

"You did it, sis!" smiled Striker "But I have to notice that you're loosing your skills. The landings used to be better, you know..."but this joke was greeted with Ravage's unpleased roar. "Come on, buddy... I'm just kidding. How's your leg?"

"Ow no! Ravage! Noble, please tell me he's gona be fine!" I smiled and looked at Ravage, who just rolled his optics.

"He is alright, just won't be able to walk properly for a while."

"Can't say the same about the ship..." and Striker was right: all lights and systems were off, sparks were coming from damaged cables. The front window was cracked and nothing could be seen because it was berried under broken trees and brunches from outside.

"Let me guess, the scanners are useless as well." I asked my brother.


"What's the plan, Noble?"

"The ship is damaged too much. We might be leaving..."


"Striker, help me open the doors, they are stuck."

"Wait, leaving? Where?" my brother asked.

"We will check the surroundings, if it is safe, then we'll stay at the ship, if it is not, we'll leave."

"Just great! We are stuck on the planet not know anything about it... "and we started breaking the doors.

"But Noble, we have tracked transformers' signals on the way to this planet" Freedom reminded "what if we meet them."

"They must be Autobots or Desepticons "I answered.

"And neither is good for us." Striker added.

"One more thing..." I continued "Let's not forget that we are aliens on this planet. The leading life forms are never friendly in that case, so we must stay hiding. Brother, let's try on three. Ready? One...Two... Three!"

The next moment the door panels collapsed on the ground and we found ourselves standing in front of a small field surrounded by organic forest. The gray sky, wight fog and silent woods...

Freedom's POW

Noble, my oldest brother was the first to step out. Striker and Ravage followed...I was always worried and the same time too exited to see a new planet. Anything new scared me as much as it bewitched me. We have been to lots of planets. Unfortunately for us, all our weaponry was destroyed on the last one we visited. Lets say that we had an unexpected meeting with giant hairy and angrily protecting his territory life form...Well, the bright sight is that we are techno-organic transformers, with transforming spider legs placed on our backs, and ability to create web, which sometimes becomes a grate advantage. But lets talk about our difference from other kinds of transformers later ... Sister and me went out as well. Ravage was looking at the forest, smelling the air, listening to any kind of sound and ready to notice anything suspicious.

"Yea. This thing won't fly again... " I looked up to see Striker standing on the ship his arms crossed. Then I noticed that the front side of it was stuck between the broken trees and berried under the brunches. I looked up and saw that our ship had fallen from a scarp and left scratches on the ground.

" Do you see something from there?"- asked Noble.

"Trees, trees aaaand trees." he jumped down landing next to Noble but his strength wasn't enough and he fell into brother's arms.

"You okay?"

"Just fine...bit dizzy after the crash..."

"Our energy levels are too low...Ravage, what's wrong?" we turned to see that our friend set back his ears and showed his sharp teeth. With a damaged claw and low energy level he wasn't in the best shape for a fight.

"Ravage, come closer to us" Noble ordered. The panther slowly stood up and came closer nervously turning his attention back to the trees.

"What did he notice?" Harmony hugged my servo.

"Well, well... Look what we've got here..." I flinched as I heard Cybertronian language and turned to the scarp. A huge blue and gray colored transformer without right optic was standing there, aiming his blaster at us.

The moment my brothers were ready to fight the sound of activated blasters was heard from the forest and some kind of drones went out of the woods aiming their guns at us. The one, who was standing on the cliff, jumped and landed several meters away making the shacked the ground as he hit the earth. " Five techno-organics, what a fortune..." he smirked looking at Noble "Tell me kid, Cons or Bots?"

"Neither" my brother answered.

"Anything better then being an Autobot, right? Isn't the best landing, is it? Wonder what four younglings and...a cat... might be doing on The Earth."

" Emergency...but nothing to worry about. We may leave now and no one will ever notice."

"Heh .Nice try, but I don't think so.You five are coming with me."

"What good may four younglings and a cat do for you?"

"I am not the one to answer this question. Soundwave, I require a groundbridge. Inform Megatron that the mission is succeed, we've got some unusual guests."

The next moment a blue portal appeared at his back - the groundbridge... Who knows where this thing will take us. The Desepticon turned and headed towards it. Other cons were waiting for us to follow him. "N-noble?" I wispered with fear.

"We are in no condition for fight."he glanced at the drones surrounding us." Do not worry, we are techno-organics and they know the value of our kind. " we began walking towards the groundbridge" Striker, Ravage, please do not do anything stupid..."

"I hope you know what you're doing, bro." Striker said looking at the bridge.

'Here we go...' I thought to myself.


Finally! I wrote the 1st chapter.

Please if you have questions of any kind ask.

If you want to know details of their looks ( which will be explained later) and other things ask again:)

And if you find mistakes in writing or grammar ( or else) please inform. I am still learning ;)

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