chapter 1: welcome to Gatewood High

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''Attention all Students!' The intercom blared around the four walls of the classroom.

'It is very unfortunate to say that Tobi Kweku was...stabbed today on-premises, before morning registration.'

A series of deafening screams, cries and shouts rang out from all of B floor. Nia Song, who was scrolling through Instagram not too long ago, instantly collapsed onto the dirt-filled floor, yelling 'not today' without a pause for breathing. She was curled up as if she had suffered a blow to the stomach. Back and forth she rocked, hugging her knees like it would offer all the protection she ever needed.

I froze.

I stared at Nia. I stared at all the students who rushed to calm her down. I stared at the floor. I just stared at everything worth staring at, at that moment.

'We shall be holding a small memorial for everyone to attend this lunchtime, to pay respects. Gatewood's thoughts are with his friends and family...thank you.'

'The fifth one this month...' muttered Verity, her voice trailing off slightly. I didn't even attempt to keep the conversation afloat, I just stared at the manky floor waiting for V to fish the conversation back out from the water.

'Kaliah, I know what your thinking about,' prompted Verity. She spoke the truth...she knew all my past life struggles. She had no troubles in life back then, unlike me. They say no one is perfect but I can assure you that Verity is the literal physical form of perfection. Her dip-dyed hair always bouncing in flawless waves down her faultless neck (that neck could be the new face of vogue). Eyes glinting like emeralds of the sea and she wondered how she could hook each and every boy under her lengthy, monthly-refreshed acrylic nails.

Her complexion complemented all possible colours; you could put her in a highlighter green bin bag and she would still be looking stunning. Verity's ivory skin really puts my ashy espresso self to shame every day. Don't get me wrong - I don't want to be "white and unnecessarily popular" nor do I envy her in the slightest, however, I sometimes wonder how God could create someone so idyllic and then create someone like me.

A guy, about six foot one, casually strolled into the classroom without a care in the world. He abruptly stopped to flick his short-irritating-fake-over-gelled-brown-hair; I swear the blonde girls in the corner were swooning at the sight of Nathan Garcia. This kid was the most punchable person, who always wanted to make me pluck out my own eyelashes one by one. Unfortunately, this kid also happened to be Verity's boyfriend.

'Sup, Oni,' mumbled Nathan with spite as he bent down to plant a kiss on Verity's cheek.

'Get lost, Garcia.' As you can see we were on "surname-calling-only" terms.

'What's wrong with her...' He directed this at V because he knew I would slap him into Korea for all I knew. Well, there's only so much a girl can do.

I heard a faint buzz, coming from the pocket of Nathan's counterfeit Gucci bomber jacket, as he sharply reached for it to check what it was. I swear he was waiting for that text; I noticed his eyes were constantly trailing down to his side, preempting when that buzz was going to occur. I always had a feeling that he was a sketchy person. He'd always be in and out of the classroom and he barely ever was in lessons. Wait... I've got it. He was for sure cheating on V.

'So...' Nathan muttered as he read the suspicious message on his iPhone X (flexing much). 

'Um...Sorry, babe! I have to go, but I'll catch you at lunch' said Nathan half running towards the door.

'Sure...' Verity sighed, rolling her eyes. She obviously was used to this. I always wonder how she put up with someone like Garcia.

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