Chapter 11 Volume 1

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Timeskip a couple weeks
All the first year students and myself are on a field trip at the forest of forever fall with ms Goodwitch.
Zack- Wow. It's so red. My type of color
Goodwitch- Yes the forest of forever fall is indeed beautiful but we are not here to sightsee. Professor peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so. Each of you is to gather one jar of sap. The forest is full of the creatures of grim so be sure that you stay with your teammates. We will rendezvous here at four o'clock. Have fun.
I watch as I see Jaune go off with Cardin carrying all of Cardin's stuff.
Zack *mind*- Something's up with that and I don't like it one bit. There is no reason for Cardin to become so nice to Jaune. Cardin is way too stupid to do that. It's almost like Cardin has something on Jaune. I need to look into that.
Ruby- hi Zack.
Zack- Sup Ruby.
Ruby- Do you and your team want get sap with our team and NPR?
Zack- I'm down. What about you guys?
Ethan- Sure.
Elias- I'm cool with it.
Dante- Yeah I'm game.
Ruby- okay. Cool.
Me and all my friends walk farther into the forest. We find a good spot and start filling up jars of sap. We are all filling up our jars of sap but Nora keeps drinking up some the jars much to Ren's annoyance. I finished filling my jar and I had nothing to do. I look off in the distance to see Cardin and his buddies dragging Jaune off somewhere.
Zack *mind*- ok I've had enough of this.
I start to walk off.
Ruby- Zack where are you going?
Zack (still walking off) Nowhere. Just gotta see about something.
With that I walk off into the direction that Jaune went.
Jaune (POV)
Cardin- (punches Jaune) You know that wasn't very smart Jauney-boy. (Picks up Jaune) I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in tinny tiny pieces.
Jaune- I don't care what you do to me. You're not messing with my team or Zack.
Cardin- What? You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now?
Cardin prepares to punch and when he does, a bright like goes off and Cardin drops me and hurts his hand. Cardin then kicks me down.
Cardin- lets see how much of a man you really are.
Suddenly we hear a roar come from behind us and a alpha ursa comes out of the bushes.
It sniffs the smell of sap that's on Cardin's armor and goes after him.
Ruby (POV)
We here a grim roar in the distance and see some of Cardin's team run our way.
Cardin friend- Ursa! Ursa!
Yang catches him.
Yang- What?! Where?!
Cardin friend- (points behind him) Back there and it has Cardin.
Pyrrha- (drops jar of sap) Jaune!
Ruby- And Zack! Yang you and Blake go get professor Goodwitch.
Pyrrha- (looks at Nora and Ren) you two go with them. There could be more.
Dante-(looks at Elias) You go with them too. Me and Ethan are going with Ruby.
Elias- Got it.
Zack (POV)
Right now I'm in a tree with Death Sentence in my right hand watching Jaune and Cardin deal with the Ursa. Now normally I would hop in and help but something is telling me to let Jaune handle this.
I watch as Jaune blocks an attack from the Ursa but the Ursa swipes him away twice. Jaune runs at the Ursa looking for the final blow but his shield is to low.
Zack *mind*- I might just have to step in. My friend is about to die. Not again.
Just as I was about to interfere, Jaune's shield glows black and moves up on its own preventing the Ursa from hitting Jaune and he slices the Ursa' head off. I look down to see Pyrrha, Ruby, Weiss, Dante, and Ethan are below me. Pyrrha's hand is emitting the same black glow as Jaune's shield.
Zack *mind*- So that's how he did it.
I turn back to look at Jaune and I cheer him on.
Zack- Yeah Jaune!!! That's the way to do it!!! You go buddy!!
Jaune looks up at me.
Jaune- You were up there this whole time? Did you ever consider helping?
Zack- It looked like you hade it under control. Plus you just showed Cardin not to fuck with you.
Jaune- Yeah I guess.
Jaune turns back to talk to Cardin.
Ruby- Zack get down here now!
I hop down from the tree.
Ruby- What were you doing up there in that tree? I was worried about you y'know.
Zack- I was watching Jaune own that Ursa and show up Cardin. But he had help (turns to Pyrrha) How'd you do it?
Pyrrha- Well Ruby has her speed, Weiss has her glyphs, and you have umm...something. My semblance is polarity.
Ruby- (gasps) you can control poles.
Weiss- No you dunce. It means she has control over magnetism.
Ruby- Magnets are cool too.
Zack (sighs and smacks face) Anyway lets get going.
Weiss- Where are you going?
Ruby- Yeah. We gotta tell them what happened.
Pyrrha- We could. Or perhaps we could just keep are little secret.
Zack- Yeah, what she said.
Jaune (POV)
I'm on the roof overlooking the school and I feel someone come up next to me.
Pyrrha- No Cardin tonight? I thought you two were best buds.
Jaune- Pyrrha I'm sorry. You were only trying to be nice and I just had all of this stupid macho stuff in my head and...
Pyrrha- Jaune, it's ok. Your team really misses their leader you know. You should come down. Ren made pancakes. (Walks off)
Jaune- Wait! I know I don't deserve it but would you still be willing to help me? To help me become a better fighter!
Pyrrha comes back and pushes me down.
Jaune- Hey!
Pyrrha- Your stance is all wrong. You need to be wider and lower to the ground.
???- Yeah and try not be easily pushed around. I've noticed that a lot about you.
Pyrrha and I both look to see Zack come out of the shadows.
Jaune- where did you come from.
Zack- (smiles) A magician never reveals his secrets. I'm just here to help you train.
Pyrrha picks me up.
Pyrrha- Lets try that again.
With that I, I begin my first night of training under Pyrrha's and Zack's tutelage.
Another chapter has come to a close. Hope you enjoyed it.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now