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Every day that we practiced together I fell more in love with the boy. The boy I had grown up watching play piano, who used to be a fantasy: a wonderful dream, was now a reality. Leo had begun to reciprocate my feelings more obviously. Little touches on my arm when we joked together, and holding eye contact just a second longer than necessary, although I could tell he was trying to hold himself back. He seemed to be more happy, so even though it nagged me, I didn't ask him about what I saw.

With Christmas coming, everybody was happier and I couldn't bring myself to ruin it. Winter break was in two days, and I still hadn't figured out what I would get Leo. I had already finished shopping for all my family and friends shortly after Thanksgiving, but I couldn't figure out for the life of me what to get Leo.

"I just don't know what to do!" I vented to Bella. "Christmas is in two weeks and I don't have the slightest idea."

"You'll figure it out!" she reassured me. "He seems like he really likes you; I'm sure whatever you get him, he'll love. That's what happens in all of your cheesy romance novels you love, right?"

"Yeah." I laughed.

"Let's drag Flynn out to the mall with us this weekend. He's talked about how he and Leo are friends. Maybe he'll have some insight."

"That sounds like a great plan." I said, the tension in my body easing.

Bella picked me up on Saturday, holding hands with Flynn who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"So, why did you drag me out on one of your shopping trips again?" Flynn asked Bella, exasperated.

"Astrid needs your help getting a gift for Leo!" she rolled her eyes. "Shopping isn't that bad."

"Okay, number one thing about Leo. He will always try to hide what he's thinking or feeling---"

I groaned. "Tell me something I don't know. The guy is like a book in a foreign language."

"Ah, ah, ah, I wasn't finished. Whenever I see him look at you, his eyes light up, and he can't stop smiling. When he's with you, he's an open book. In English!" Flynn laughed. "Anything that you get him, I know he'll be all over just because it's from you."

My face went red. "I still don't know what to get him though."

"You'll figure it out. Trust me." he said.

We pulled up to the mall, and walked in. We browsed around for a couple hours, but came up empty. Our small town department stores didn't have many options.

I plopped down at the table and set our food down, dejected.

"I bet you'll think of something." Bella said while unwrapping her cheeseburger, but she sounded doubtful.

Flynn sat down next to Bella and put his arm around her chair. "So what are you guys playing for Solo and Ensemble? Whenever I ask Leo he acts like it's this huge secret."

"Weird," I said. "We're playing "Song Without Words" by Felix Mendelssohn."

"Why's it called that?" he asked.

"Well, it's the idea that there doesn't need to be words for emotions to be expressed in music. It's like . . ." I trailed off. I had finally put the pieces together, and in that moment, I knew for certain what I was going to give Leo.

A/N: Sorry for the huge hiatus! I've been really busy, but I finally got another chapter up! I hope you enjoyed it, and please consider voting if you did!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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