July 2nd

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I woke up at about 9:30. I checked my phone to see if Kade texted me back. Nothing. He hadn't even read my message yet. I went downstairs to find a note on the counter. It read:

I'm off to work. On my way home

I will stop at the store. Please unpack

your room and go hang out with someone

from yesterday. Have fun. I'll check on

you later. I love you.

Love, mom.

I placed the note back on the counter and made some cereal. After I ate I went back upstairs and got ready. I heard my phone go off and looked at the notification. It was Kade DMing me back from last night. I opened the message and it read, "I live in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana. Wby?"

Then he texted, "Sorry about last night. My friends came over telling me how I should've went to the school because there's a new girl. I guess I forgot to text you back."

After reading that last text I froze. Was he talking about me? then I replied back, "We live in the same city. I just moved here. What school do you go to?"

"Breaux Bridge High. You?"


"Yeah. What are you doing today?"

"Not much. My mom wanted me to hang out with people from yesterday and make friends."

"You wanna hang out with me and some of my friends?"

"Sure. What time and where should I meet you?"

"Do you know where the batting cages are?"

"Yeah. They're right down my street."

"Okay. Meet me at the cages as soon as you can. We're already here."

I locked my phone and slipped my shoes on. I grabbed my jacket and nearly jumped down the stairs. I locked the house and started walking towards the batting cages. When I got closer I could see people at the cages hitting baseballs. When I got even closer I could see a few people from school and then I saw Kade. He's even more good-looking in person. We met each other half way and said hi.

Kade- "What's up?"

Alexis- "Nun much. You play?"

Kade- "We all do. You play softball?"

Alexis- "Baseball."

Kade- "How?"

Alexis- "I don't know honestly."

Kade- "Can you throw?"

Alexis- "Yeah."

Kade- "Show me."

We walk over to the cages. Kade grabbed a bat and tossed me a random ball laying on the ground. When we were both ready I threw the ball. He missed. I threw it again. He missed. I threw it for a last time. He missed.

Kade- "Damn your good."

Alexis- "Thanks."

Tyler- "Hey, Kade, you think coach might let her on the team? She'd make a good pitcher."

Kade- "Maybe. I'll text him about it later."

Ryan- "Too late. Calin is already on the phone with coach."

Kade- "Well okay then. Anyone wanna head over to the field?"

Tyler- "Sure."

Ryan- "Coach is on his way. We can't go anywhere yet."

Alexis- "Why?"

Wyatt- "Cause he wants to see how you play."

Alexis- "Oh."

Kade- "Alright let's find a bat that's good for you."

By the time we found a bat coach was pulling into the parking lot. I wasn't nervous because I've done this a thousand times.

Coach- "So, Alexis, I hear you have a good arm."

Alexis- "I guess."

Coach- "Let's see what you got. Kade, bat."

Kade- "Yes, sir."

We got into position and I threw the ball. He missed.

Coach- "Again."

Again and again I threw the ball and each time I did he missed. Eventually coach had us switch. Kade threw the ball over and over. I didn't miss once.

Coach- "She's not good..................SHE'S AMAZING!! We have a new player on the team."

Alexis- "Wait...for real?"

All the boys at once- "YES!!!"

Coach- "Welcome to the team."

Alexis- "Thanks."

After coach left we started picking up the bats and baseballs and loaded them onto the golf carts. Then we started driving to the field. When we got there we unloaded everything and started throwing and hitting. After a while everyone started leaving and it started getting dark. Eventually it was just Kade and I.

Kade- "You ready to go."

Alexis- "Not really but it's starting to get late and my mom might start to get worried if I'm not home soon."

Kade- "I'll bring you home."

Alexis- "You don't have to."

Kade- "I want to."

Alexis- "Okay."

We made it to my house. I thanked him for bringing me home and went inside. When I got inside my mom was sitting in the kitchen.

Mom- "Hey honey. How was your day?"

Alexis- "It was amazing. I went to the batting cages with some friends from school and then I met the baseball coach and he said I have a spot on the team. And then we went to the field where we hit baseballs and then Kade took me home. And now I miss him."

Mom- "Well it looks like you've had and amazing day. And you developed a crush."

Alexis- "Yeah. I guess I have. Anyway I'm going take a shower and then I'm going to bed."

Mom- "Okay sweetheart. Goodnight."

Alexis- "NIGHT!"


This is probably gonna be the longest chapter I ever write. I was going to make it longer but I personally don't like reading long ass chapters, so I didn't wanna make it super long. If you like reading really long chapters then let me know.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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