Chapter 6

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Lynn's POV

I rested my bag on the bleachers as I took a seat. I was by myself, so it was a bit awkward. But Roman was here, and I tried to do whatever I could before I came here.

So, I think there was only like 15 minutes of his practice left. The coach blew the whistle. "Get on the line!" Even I know what 'get on the line' means. It's every athlete's nightmare.

'Get on the line' means sprints, and sprints are not good. When I used to play soccer, my coach used to call them cupcakes.

But, now as we get older we call them suicides, because they make you want to kill yourself for doing so many. From Roman's jacket, I knew that his number was 17.

The guys took of their helmets and set them down by their bags. I saw Roman on the line, and he ran a hand through his sweaty hair. EW, it was soaked.

"On my whistle" The coach said. He blew the whistle, and Roman took off. All the guys seemed to be in a line, but when they turned to come back Roman sped up and went over the line before anyone else did.

The others were resting their hands on their hips or knees which was a sign of tiredness. Roman just stood up tall not even out of breath. "One last time boys" The coach said.

I stood up and grabbed my bag. I walked down the bleachers and the coach blew the whistle. I stood near the fence and watched as Roman ran over the line again. Wow, he's in really good shape and he's super fast.

No wonder he's co- captain. "Good work today boys" The coach said. "And way to finish out those sprints, R reigns. Guessing it's for the lady over there?" The coach said.

"You know it" Roman said and winked towards me. I rolled my eyes, and then crossed my arms over my chest. The guys laughed, and they grabbed their bags and walked over to me.

"I'm going to go rinse off, and then I'll be out" he said. "Unless you wanna join, because that's always an option" He said. I rolled my eyes as the guys laughed. "No, maybe when you stink less" I said and elbowed him.

I felt my elbow get wet and I looked at it. It was covered in sweat. "That's disgusting, you have a serious sweating problem" I said. "It's called hard work baby" He said.

"Now give me a hug" He said. "No way," I said and backed up. "Don't you dare" I said and dropped my bag. "Roman, please" I begged. He opened his arms and walked towards me.

"Roman!" I said and started running. "Stop, please!" I said. "Don't!" I said and hid behind Dean. "Make him stop, please" I said. "I'll give you a hug buddy" He said.

"All right, lovers" Roman said and they hugged each other. I scrunched my nose up from the smell.

"You two are disgusting" I said. They both shrugged. "I'll be right out" Roman said. I nodded, and then sat down on the curb. I picked at my nails as I waited for Roman to come back out.

I sighed and looked up from my nails. Roman walked out, only wearing shorts. He literally had a six pack. Some people wolf whistled as he walked out and he just smirked.

My cheeks turned red once I realized that he was smirking at me. "Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer" He said.

"Why don't you go f yourself" I said. He chuckled and helped me up from the curb. "Put a shirt on, hot shot" I said.

He chuckled and pulled a shirt over his head. "Come on, I'll drive you home" He said. "Finally!" I said. "Oh stop, you loved watching me run sprints" He joked. "You're fast" I said.

"I know" He said cockily. I scolded him. "What?" He asked. "When someone gives you a compliment, you don't say 'I know' you say thank you" I said.

"So try again" I said. "Uh, thank you?" He said. "Better" I said and shrugged. "We need to work on your manners" I said. "Who are you, my mom" He said.

"I hope you're not my mom, because I've been thinking about making out with you all day" He said. "Speaking of making out with you...That kiss last night" He said as we got to his car.

"Kiss? We didn't kiss" I said. "Right, but we almost did" He said. I shrugged. "It seemed like you wanted to kiss me" He said and smirked. "You're the one that leaned in first" I said.

"I just did it so it wouldn't be awkward" I lied. "You're such a bad liar Ly" He said and unlocked the car. I climbed in, and buckled my seat belt.

"You wanna get something to eat?" He asked. "Like drive through McDonalds or something?" He asked. "Sure" I said. He nodded, and threw his stuff in the back.

"But let's be real here, okay?" He said. "Did you want to kiss me?" He asked. I shrugged. "I mean, I would have wanted to see if I felt anything" I said.

He nodded and started the car. "But, wanting to kiss you? I don't think so" I joked. "I mean, who would want to kiss Roman reigns?" I said and smiled.

He chuckled. "Every girl at this school" He said. "Except for me" I said. He shrugged. "That'll change, you'll fall for the Reigns charm eventually" He said. "I doubt it" I said.

"We've been friends for how long, and I haven't fallen for 'your charm'" I said. "That's because you're different then other girls. I got to kick it to full blast with you" He said.

I laughed and he smiled. "I won't fall for your stupid charm" I said. "I know your tricks too well" I said. "That may be true, but may I have a few new ones" He said "I know everything about you, so I could just make you fall in love with me" He said.

"And why would you want to do that?" I asked. "So then you can just kick me to the side?" I said. "Obviously not, Ly" He said. "I'd let you down easy" he said. I shook my head and smiled. "You're such a jerk, you know that?" I said. He shrugged.

We pulled into the McDonalds and Roman turned down the radio. "What do you want" He asked. "Wait, I know" He said. I raised my eyebrows. "You know?" I said.

"Hi what can I get you," The lady said. "Medium chocolate milkshake and two fries" he said. "I'm impressed" I said.

"But I wanted a small milkshake" I said. "Looks like you're going to have to share with me" He said. "I don't think so" I said. "Then no milkshake for you" He said.

"What, Roman that's not fair" I said. "Just let me have a sip" He said. "Fine" I said Roman pulled up to the window, and paid for both of our food. Which I told him not to, but he insisted.

When the lady handed him the milkshake he immediately took a long sip. "You're drinking all of it!" I said.

"Calm down, there's still a lot more in there" He said and handed me the milkshake.

"So this is our first date huh" Roman said. "What?" I said and looked at him. He chuckled. "This is our first fake date"

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