Dare to Dream - Chapter One

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Dear Fans,

I apologize for ceasing to write Moving Up, but if ti doesn't flow, it doesn't write. This is a story I've been working on for a while. I hope you guys like it!!!

And to all you newcomers, thanks you for reading!! And I hope you enjoy it as well!!!



Chapter One

Note to Self,

Life's a bitch. One second it's the happiest time of your life, the next you're uprooted and moving to a new city and a new school.I still don't understand the rules that govern life, but if I had to write a rule book, I think the number one rule might go something along the lines of 'Stay the fuck still'. I like being in control. I like knowing how things will run. Boys, are unknown. Boys are ever confusing. They never change. I can't predict how they'll react, and I can't possibly fathom why they do some of the things they do. I think their ego's impare their judgement quite a bit. That would explain why they're all so ridiculously frustrating to be around. Life's a game to them. So again I say, life's a bitch. I just wish I was the bigger bitch.

"Avery! Get up or you'll be late for school!" My mother screamed.

I turned over, pulling my blankets up to my chin. Not getting up, I thought to myself. Too comfy. I pressed the snooze button on my alarm and turned over. Just as I was about to fall back asleep, my annoying brother decided to barge in.

He pulled the blankets off my bed and screamed in my ear. "Mom says you have to get up, and if you don't get up I'm coming back with cold water, and believe me when I say I'll enjoy pouring it down your back." He threatened.

"And if you don't get out of my room right now, I'm going to break your jaw," I threatened back.

He laughed. "You, break my jaw, that's a good one." He sneered. It was true, seeing as though he was at least three inches taller than me with the build of a rugby player. "Get up. You have to drive me to school." He continued heading out the door. He stopped at the doorframe. "Oh, and nice hair."

After he left, I reached up to feel my hair and noticed it was sticking up in all directions. I sighed, now I had no choice but to shower. I got out of bed and jumped into the shower, taking my time and letting the warm water wash away the sleep. I stepped out and towelled myself dry in my walk-in closet. I wasn't feeling very flashy today, so I slipped into a pair of sweats and a tank top, brushing my hair out.

When I was dressed, I brushed my teeth and got downstairs with ten minutes to spare. My mother was sitting at the table reading the paper with a coffee in one hand. She looked up at me as I passed and smiled.

"Good morning, sunshine." She said.

"Morning, mom." I replied. "What you got planned for today?" I asked sitting across from her.

She sighed. "I've got two surgeries, and then a follow-up. After that, I'm stuck in my office doing paperwork." She explained sadly.

I laughed. "Sounds like fun," I said sarcastically.

She shook her head. "You and your sarcasm," She mumbled.

My brother walked in and plopped down in the chair beside me. He took one look at me and poured cereal into his bowl. "Who are you trying to impress?" He asked annoyingly.

I made a face at him. "Shut up, Dylan." I said.

He snickered.

"Dylan, stop annoying your sister." My mother said.

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