Prime Ward
Sit-ups I can do for days, but pull-ups?
My grip slips on the metal horizontal pole, staggering back a few steps on the athletic field. Leaning over, rest my arms against my thighs and look down at the palms of my hands. The skin is red; a few areas burn more than others, though when I flex my fingers it helps the pain subside.
"Hey!" I'm nearly knocked backward as Mistress Tanaka suddenly appears beside me, grinning from ear to ear. My Physical Education instructor could be much worse, as she's been nothing but understanding and kind to me. She tilts her head to the side and says, "How about you rotate out to the track and run for a bit?"
I nod and smile, "Thank you."
Anything to get away from pull-ups...
...though I don't expect her to jog beside me at my pace, asking me, "How's your first week been?"
Tomorrow is Friday and I'll be free for the weekend, completing most of my homework during lunch before I even get home. This provides me with free time at home, during core class, and study period, spending most of that time either painting or taking pictures. My parents had recently given me a new camera for photography, capturing moments others are too hurriedly rushing by to accept and appreciate.
I enjoy it though, translating some of those pictures to paintings, while others are found deep within my heart and mind.
"Better than I thought," I offer her a smile.
She grins back at me and replies, "That's good! However," she releases a sigh and reminds me, "you'll need to bring up some of your physical qualities in the next few weeks before progress testing."
My jogging comes to a halt as we both stop, the wind whipping by the two of us as my peers' race around the track. They are almost a blur, my heart beating fast as I ask her, "What do I need to improve on?"
Mistress Tanaka's features lower slightly as she explains, "I'll print a sheet for you and if you want improvement outside of class, you are more than welcome to stop by after hours."
"I'd appreciate that," I nod, knowing I can't avoid whatever the school has set in place for parameters to pass, but she's willing to offer me help and I'll gladly take it. This is the only class I know I might fail in, my mind much stronger than my body.
She crosses her arms and snaps her fingers, shaking her head and suddenly utters, "Shoot! I can't offer you help on Monday as Arena tryouts are right after school. Starting Tuesday, we can get you the extra help you need. Even during their training schedule once the team has been selected, you can still meet, and I'll help you where needed."
Mistress Tanaka is the only female Arena team trainer at Prime Ward Secondary School, the year two, three, and four trainers are all male. That being said...don't let that notion alone fool you...there's a reason that the year one Arena team has placed first in their competitions every year since she started.
"That's okay," I reply, nodding when she motions to the track.
We continue jogging, though the speed of my peers throws me off, especially when a few get to close. Mistress Tanaka reaffirms once we halt the few laps, "Your long-distance running is already improving from day one."
"I hate running..." I mutter, breathing hard and drinking water.
"We all must do things we hate," Mistress Tanaka shrugs her shoulders and winks at me, "you just learn how to deal with them."
VampireKosmos; the world of vampires. A world set under strict regulations governed by The Synod in order to preserve their existence and way of life. You rest on one of three rungs on the ladder; opulent, equidistant, or insolvent. The Synod, the governin...