2| Awakens

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Ever since I left my house 9 years ago, I always feel heat coming from within me every night. It's was hard at first, surviving alone, but it got easier to do overtime.

I survived by doing works for a big mob boss. Lucifer. He's a big guy. He took me in when I was 17 and named me 'Amon' the demon marquis. He was the first guy to be normal with my abnormalities. Probably because he has them too. Lucifer could exhale fire. He's named Lucifer after the demon of Pride. He told me this is the way of us demons.

8 years went by I practiced my demon skills until I finally mastered it. Lucifer pays me 1K a year. I used it for me and only me. I don't come home because I don't think I was really their son. My home is with Lucifer and the others. But between you and me, me and Lucifer was the only demons in the group.

One day, Lucifer gifted me a desert eagle with their logo on it. "Here, have this gun. It's gonna help you" Lucifer said. "With what? I have powers remember?" I boasted. "Someday you'll know why" he said and walked away. I didn't think much of it at that time. So I just went with it.


5 weeks passed. Lucifer asked me to follow him somewhere without anymore extra details. "Lucifer, what are we doing here?" I asked. We were at our old warehouse. It was really dusty. We haven't been in there for almost 5 years already. He didn't say anything. He just kept walking. So I did what a sane person would do. I followed him. He was walking into like a basement. Still not talking.

I kept following until we meet a very large vault door. "L, what the hell is this?" I asked. "You have that gun I gave you?" He asked. "Yeah. Why?" I was so confused. But he didn't say anything and just entered a code into the lock in the middle of the vault lock.

"L. You haven't said anything to me for the past 2 hours! What the hell's going on?" He continued opening the vault. And what was in there horrified the living shit out of me.

"L? What the fuck? How did you-" I froze.

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