Hi Everyone Oh Ya This Is The Prolouge Or Whatever And The Title Is Getting Lo-

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So basically I'll set this up for you, I am not normal, I do not wish to speak to you, and I don't want to have to tell you this as it happens but here we are welcome to my "Amazing life". So I'm that kid, yeah the one that sits in the corner of class every period. I should probably start talking about what's happening to me but you already left didn't you. Well in the rare case that you took the time to read the last 88 now 90 and now it's higher words means that you are at least intrigued in what is going to happen well you're,I'm in for a ride to because I don't know either. Youre probably thinking "he's sitting in the corner of a classroom thinking this all up in his head" Well guess what you're absolutely wrong. It's currently 5:59 A.M and I'm about to be woken up for another day of cock and ball torture from my PE witch is today. Well you already know my annoying beep beep mother***ker alarm is going off and i've already hit it a couple times because I've wasted that story time complaining about school. So im pretty sure I just got up and rubbed my head awkwardly because that's what people do in the morning. Im now getting up and putting on a grey shirt and a white hoodie because I wear that hoodie everyday but my gross ass can't take 30 minutes to damn wash it. Then I put on jeans because that's very original for a high schooler like me. I'm brushing my teeth now even though there's no point because everyone I talk to, well I'm not finishing that because I don't talk to anyone so next sentence now my breath doesn't stink like my damn jacket I never WASH! Anyone else realize I didn't put a period on the sentence that I said ok next sentence on very professional of me. If you're gonna critiqe me then stop reading okay. I just put my small as hell backpack on so I can go to cock and ball torture that's been given the title " School". Now my ugly black hair, blue eyes, white hoodie, blue jeans, ugly sneaker, bad crazy hair cut, and small backpack ass is walking to school at 6:13 in the morning because it's never gonna be on a 5 or a 0 in real life I'm not that stupid people aren't robots you people and your by five time attitudes. Im almost at school and no I'm not introducing another character yet because I don't feel like it right now and I don't have any friends. I just walked into school by the left door not the right door just to piss someone off. " Hey nerd " Said Some guy that I don't know his name because he's annoying and I'm too lazy to give any character development too. I responded with " I will throw a book at you " Softly because I forgot the word I was gonna use oh ya it was harshly but we all know I'm not gonna go up and fix that leave me alone. Im walking to my first class because time passes quickly when my audience gets triggered yeah I'm talking about you the one who can't take lazyness in writing see you just wasted time so now I can tell you about me walking into class and looking at the new character I'm gonna introduce named Alexis that had black wavy long hair brown annoying eyes and some ugly sweater on that looks horrible on her because it blockes the boobage yeah that's right I said it what I'm writing about a hormonal teenager that has no friends or anything like that you can't get mad at me it's the facts. Look you made me waste my time for explaining when I sat down in the corner by myself and fell asleep because I'm stupid. Now I'm gonna take this time to talk about how you need to stop noticing that I need to develop my own character. I wake up for the story to continue and I realize that the whole class is taking notes on some old dead guy that I don't feel like explaining. I realize that someone is sitting next to me its a GIRL! // would be my reaction if I didn't already know that I was gonna write that. She had this awkwardly cute haircut with purple hair that went done to about the normal length of the cute girl that the guy always egnores but ends up realizing is the best girl ever. She had a really plain blue shirt on that really put her together making her appearance just pop like she was super important. She had jeans on go figure and I looked at her like she was completely insane at first. " Y-you're sitting next to me " I said out loud in this imaginary world that I've thought up because I'm a lonely depressed f*** that needs friends and a life oh ya I said It like I was confused obviously I should have to explain that of course. She nodded like an angel " Yes you seem interesting and I just came here so hello" She said softly. Oh yeah I took the nice and easy new student in the middle of the year witch never happens in real life and if you haven't noticed I like her character. " Well I um am really not that interesting " I said still startled. Yeah I made a sentence without a making a snarky comment that's rare. She responded with " That's ok you're cute anyway". Yeah I wrote that I forced her character to say that to mine because it's story developing fight me. "I-I'm cute w-what do y-you mean I'm c-cute" I said stuttering obviously that's why I put the dashes and repeats of the first letters. She nodded and smiled as I was still surprised at the fact that she thought that I was cute. Oh ya I put way too many comas, and I really shouldn't, because comas don't make sense when I use them, fight me ok, now onto the story. She went back to writing her notes and I just stared at my desk because I'm too baby to deal with one complement from a girl. Oh ya and I'm way too lazy to indent my paraghraghs so piss off. I fell back asleep because 2 hours of sleep is not enough after staying up all night NOT WASHING MY GODDAMN JACKET. I woke back up to the bell destroying my ear drums because it has to be right in the corner of the room where I always sit. I looked up at the girl from earlier and she was staring at me intently like she was gonna say something but she's just looked away quickly then ran out. I stood packed my things and headed to the next class. Oh yeah and we all know that me and the girl are gonna have all the same classes case why not it makes it more romantic. I walked into my next class a minute late and I egnored the teacher as she yelled the crap out of my ear drums because why not right ear drums are also things schools should destroy other than life's. So I sat down in the corner as usual not paying attention to who I sat next to. You already know it's the girl because that's how writing works it's f***ing stupid like that fam. I looked up to notice the GIRL SITTING NEXT TO ME. She looked at me happily and then turned all red when she noticed I was looking at her. She's obviously crushing on my ugly ass for some reason even though I'm not wearing a CLEAN JACKET. I looked at her and said like a dumbass "hey are you okay" I knew she was blushing because I'm rude as shit and I wanted to start a conversation with her. She looked at me still blushing and said " Yeah s-sorry I'm not used to being around boys" Then why did you sit next to me in the first place like BOI. I looked all weird with my dirty ass hair " Oh sorry if you want I'll move so you're comfortable " Because I'm so nice like that all the time.She looked all worried like she was about to die " No please I like you're company " Even though we just met love it. So this is gonna be shorter than the other chapters just to make it like a sort of 'prolouge' for the memes you know.

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