Chapter 4: Backstory (Part 3)

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*First Slide: Youtube Video*

-Backstory Continues: Third Person's P.O.V-

'Mo Yuan?' _____ speaks to herself while her eyes stayed staring at him and then a cough interrupts ______ while she was lost in thought and she glances away and quietly says, "My name is ______". Mo Yuan puzzled as he did not hear her so he leans in a bit and says "Can you repeat what you said. I didn't hear you" and then startled by how close he's gotten she becomes flustered and she responds quickly with a stutter "I-I said my n-n-ame is ______" and she takes a step back and bows quickly and maneuvers herself to get past him while covering the bottom part of face as her cheeks started to turn a hint of pink. Then when she reaches the door she bows quickly towards her grandpa who was also standing in the doorway but luckily he was able to witness the whole situation which left a smile on his face. However, Mo Yuan is left even more confused but was able to catch her name the second time but he still has a lost expression as he notices how much of a rush she left the room so now he's worried that he might have offended ______, so he decides to follow after her but is soon clothes-lined by ______'s grandpa's arm. Mo Yuan coughs a couple of times due to him not expecting to be stopped so abruptly then he turns back around so the grandpa's arm ends up resting around his shoulders. "Master?" Mo Yuan questions while looking at the grandpa while his response is just a chuckling followed by "Ah, you know for all the years I've been alive I never would've expected my granddaughter to show such an expression". Mo Yuan obviously not following along to his master's words of teasing, his master just 'tsks' and shakes his head and leaves his arm around Mo Yuan and leads him towards the kitchen area and helps him prepare the food for dinner.

Meanwhile, _____ is left sitting upright on her futon while hugging her pillow and worried she might've offended Mo Yuan due to her abrupt absence so now she's pondering on ideas on how to apologize for her rude behavior. Eventually, she comes up with an idea but now she has to think about the timing so after a few minutes pass she comes up with the perfect plan. ______'s idea is to do the dishes and help clean up the table and when she is done possibly ask her grandfather for more information about what he likes so she can go to the nearest town and purchase something that he may like and hope that her gift will make amends between the two. Although, while ______ is  lost in thought again, she fails to realizes her grandfather knocking on the door but when she hears his voice she is back to reality and catches her grandfather letting her know that the food was ready and that everybody is already waiting for her.

So, ______ responds "Okay, I'll be there soon grandpa" and he nods to himself and leaves to go back to the dining area and _____ gets back up on her feet but due to her excitement, one of her wounds reopens and she winces in pain and holds her side and she bites her lip to try to hold in her pain even though a few tears escape her eyes. Eventually though, she's able to manage the pain and she stands tall and tries to change her expression to make sure none of them notice but before she even is able to exit the room, her grandfather is waiting in front of it. His arms are crossed in front of his chest and he sighs and makes a 'tsks' noise which usually means that he was going to lecture her. ______ just hung her head down a bit and began to fiddle with her fingers for she realized that her grandfather may have heard her wince in pain and now he knows something is wrong but she quickly tries to dissolve his worry. "Grandfather, what are you doing here? Let's be on our way to the liv-" and before she can even take another step forward her grandfather steps in her way and gives her a look like 'I know'. ______, ends up sighing and hangs her head back down and again begins to fidget with her fingers again and to break the silence her grandfather sighs once more and says "Stay here. I'll have Mo Yuan bring your food". ______'s face quickly changes to shock and before she can interject her opinion her grandfather grabs her hand and leads her to her bed and gently sets her down to a sitting position and adds "Now, lets change your bandage before he notices". ______ just shakes her hands in front of her and denies his help respectfully, "Grandpa, the doctor taught me how to change it when he would patch me back up in case if I reopened them so don't worry". ______ however forgot to add the fact to not send Mo Yuan but when the thought finally came back to her, her grandpa was already heading back to the living room. Of course he just smirks due to his idea of this being his entertainment since he realizes his own granddaughter shows different emotions around Mo Yuan.

The Alignment Between Sacrifice and Fate (Reader x Ye Hua x Li Jing x Mo Yuan)Where stories live. Discover now