"Finally Meeting"

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Normal Pov.

Denmark as he led some of the states to the world meeting hall he thought,

'I do hope this goes well...'

The states that went along with him was, Delaware, Hawaii, a girl named Louisiana, Indiana, Illinois, and a boy named Wyoming.

The reason for not all of them coming is because more than likely were going to have an Iggybrows fainting, which I don't think anyone wants to be honest.

"Okay now lets try not to get lost alright?" said Delaware.

And not even two minutes later they got lost..

~Le time skip brought to you by an ink pen~

Soon after getting lost Denmark finally found the doors to the world meeting hall,

"You guys ready?" he asked.

Most of them nodded their head as a 'yes' Indiana looked unsure for a second but nodded as well.

"Phew, okay then" said Denmark.

Denmark then opened the door slightly and peeked in, everything basically looked how it did before which might've been a hour or more ago.

He looked around for the other Nordics, when he found them he saw Iceland hanging out with Hong Kong, Sweden and Finland were watching Sealand making sure he didn't get hurt or anything, and Norge was just sitting looking bored.

He looked back at the Delaware, Delaware just nodded.

Then Denmark opened the door, and walked in almost immediately, a pissed Norge came up to him and asked.

"Where the hell were you I was worried sick!?"

'Huh, even with a monotonous voice he sure can yell..' Denmark thought.

"Um well we have a few 'friends that I want the countries to meet.." Denmark replied.

Norway looked behind Denmark to see the five states.

"Where the hell did you find them?" Norway asked.

"I'll tell you in a minute- and wait did you say you were worried about me?" Denmark smirked.

"What?! No you stupid dane I didn't mean it like that!" Norway replied.

"Heh, whatever hottie.." said Denmark.

Norway just walked away blushing, mumbling something inaudible.

'He loves me' Denmark thought.

"Um so how are we supposed to get their attention?" asked Wyoming.

Like this my child, SHAKIRA IS HERE!! Denmark yelled.

In an instant practically all the countries looked at him.

When they didn't see who was mentioned they gave Denmark a questioning look.

When America, looked at Denmark, and saw his children he paled.

'Fuck how are they here? why are they here?' America thought.

"Hey why are zhese unawesome children here?" asked Prussia who had a visible slap mark on him.

"Ja, I would like to know that as vell" said Germany.

"Well, America would you like to say?" Denmark asked.

*sigh* "Well everyone these are my children.." America replied.

"WHAT YOU HAVE CHILDREN???!!!" yelled England.

'Yup.." America said.

"Daddy!" said Hawaii.

In that very instant England passed out.

"Hey there kiddo" said America as Hawaii ran over to him.

"Well.. since you're here you five you might as well introduce yourselves" America told them.

"Alright, well I am Mason D. Jones, personification of Delaware."

"Hello I am Alexander I. Jones, personification of Illinois."

"Hi, I am Elijah I. Jones, personification of Indiana.."

"Hello I am Elizabeth L. Jones, personification of Louisiana!"

"I am Jonas W. Jones, personification of Wyoming."

"And I'm Lilani H. Jones personification of Hawaii!"

As soon as Hawaii said that Japan paled, he wondered if she even knew who he was and if she did would she hate him?

All of the countries looked at the states, Wyoming who was on the brink of a anxiety attack was just standing looking at the ground, Indiana was trying to avoid all eye-contact with France who wasn't on the floor passed out like England, Illinois was mainly also trying to avoid eye-contact with France, Delaware was comforting Wyoming, Louisiana was just smiling, and Hawaii was in America's lap.

~Time skip brought to you by Netherlands rabbit!~

Soon after a while countries got into their own groups to chat, some having a state in it. America and Hawaii were surrounded by most of the female countries, mainly Hawaii getting told how cute she is, Delaware was with Sweden and Finland who were talking about old times, Wyoming was with the Baltic trio talking with Latvia, Louisiana was talking to Wy (I feel like they would get along), and Illinois and Indiana were discussing something.

Germany looked over to Illinois and Indiana who were deep in conversation.

"Ich sehe nicht, warum ich mit ihm reden muss..."( I do not see why I have to talk to him) said Indiana.

"Können Sie atleast versuchen mit ihm zu reden?" (can you at least try to talk to him?) asked Illinois.

'Vait zhey speak German, and who are zhey talking about?' he thought.

"Aber was ist, wenn er dich verlassen hat?" ( But what about when he abandoned you?)asked Indiana.


"Bitte rede einfach mit ihm"(please just talk to him) Illinois asked.


*sigh* "Ordnung Bruder.. ich rede mit ihm"( alright brother.. i'll talk to him) Indiana replied.

Illinois patted him on the back and walked away.

"Hm zhat was veird, and who were zhey talking about..." Germany whispered.

"I'll have to ask of zhem tomorrow.." he said.


This is my longest chapter yeyy, but also i was using google translate for the German part so i'm not sure if it's 100% correct, so sorry if it isn't.

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