Chapter Eight - Without Him

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The only way to make sense of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

~ Alan Watts

(A few months later)

Brooklyn POV

I was standing in my house. I felt better than when Dean first left. I haven't heard from him and Jo and the others no longer talk about him.

They told me they warned me, but I didn't care. I chose him, chose to be hurt by him. I knew it was inevitable, but I didn't care, I stayed with him. I didn't care that my heart was broken, I cared about the little time I had with Dean and how perfect it was.

He's a demon, and I'm just a girl. A girl who fell in love with a demon. I had started dating again, but nothing that long. I had just started dating a guy, his name was Connor. I didn't really think it would get that far, but the more I got over Dean, the easier it was to love someone else.

I was sitting on my couch with Connor, and he put his arm around me. I almost flinched, Dean's arm around me had felt so different, better even.

"Popcorn?" I asked, attempting to get away from the situation. He smiled.

"Sure." I stood, walking into the kitchen, only to be stopped right in my tracks, tears gathering in my eyes. I remembered when Dean and I would have talks in here, just random, beautiful, little talks that only he could bring meaning to. I blinked the tears away. I was done with trying to reach out to him, call him, or text him. He never answered.

I was done crying over Dean Winchester.


School had been worse, too, remembering our lunches together. I sat at the usual table with Cas, Charlie, Jo, and Kevin. Cas smiled at me and I gave him a small smile. 

"Are you okay?" Charlie asked. I slowly shook my head. Charlie's eyes filled with sadness. 

"Is it Connor?" Jo asked. 

"No, no, Connor's...uh, well he's great. It's just I can't get him off of my mind." I muttered quietly. I knew I hadn't been myself lately.

"I can help, Brooklyn. I can make you forget him." Castiel told me. I looked at him and tilted my head in confusion.

"How? Why? Why do you want to help me when I've been a complete bitch to all of you?" I asked. Jo sadly smiled.

"I'm a you know, and I can erase memories. I would do it because you're one of my best friends." Cas urged. I laughed sadly.

"Cas, would I forget what you are?" I asked.

"No, Brooklyn. You would still know about hunters." Cas told me. 

"Yes. Erase him." I told him.


I woke up in my room, completely oblivious of what was going on. Cas stood in the corner.

"What the hell, Cas? What're you doing here?" I asked. I felt weird, as if a piece of me was missing. 

"You know what I am?" He asked. I frowned.

"Duh, Cas you're an angel. Why wouldn't I know?" I laughed. He was crazy. As I stood he walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Whoa, there," I chuckled. "What's this for?" I was so confused. He was acting weird.

"Brooklyn, when your friends tell you not to like someone, please listen to them." Cas said. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Where's this coming from?" I asked.

"Just....just promise me, okay?" He said. He was confusing me a lot right now.

"O-okay, I promise." I hadn't ever seen Cas like this. I didn't think I'd ever see him this happy to see me. I see him pretty much everyday.

"I'm calling Jo, and she and Charlie are coming over." Cas told me. I nodded.


After Jo had left, I was still really confused. They acted so different. I didn't know why, it was really weird. I loved my friends, I really did, but I didn't like them like this.

I went to walk into the kitchen, and as I stood at the door, I frowned, like I was remembering something. I didn't know what, but I didn't really think it was so important. I walked into past the table, and felt another strange force, which brought a lot of feelings up I never knew I had. Hurt, pain, and betrayal, but I'd never experienced those things.

I opened the fridge, looking through it. It was pretty full, but in my point of view, there wasn't anything to eat because nothing appealed to me at that time.

"Brooklyn." A deep voice said behind me. I turned, completely shocked to see a tall guy standing there, in a brown leather jacket, ruffled light brown hair and the brightest of green eyes. I recognized him, not entirely, but I knew I've met him somehow.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"You-you don't remember?" He asked, looking disappointed.

"I don't know who you are, but you'd better get out of my house right now." I growled. He stepped closer to me, our faces merely inches apart. He lightly placed his lips on mine, and everything flooded back. First with the happy memories, then it turned dark, where he left me for months not talking to me. He took his lips off of mine and I couldn't do anything.

"Dean..." I whispered.

"I don't think you're happy to see me." He chuckled slightly.

"I've been trying to call you. But who cares? You shouldn't miss people who don't miss you." I growled. He flinched slightly.

"Brooklyn, you have a future. I don't. Don't you see I was just trying to protect you?" 

"You made my life a nightmare!" I hissed, this time he closed his eyes, opening them back up again, and they were pitch black. "I'm so over missing you." I told him. His eyes were green again, and watering. "But it's fine, nobody cares anyways. Get the hell out of my house." 

And with that, he was gone. I heard angel wings behind me.

"Brooklyn..." I turned, crying.

"Cas...I didn't-"

"I know you didn't do anything. I did." He said. I frowned. 


"I brought him here. To see what you would do." Castiel told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it was time, Brooklyn. It obviously wasn't enough to just forget him, you needed him to know you were done." Cas said. I walked closer to him.

"T-that's not okay, Cas." I told him.

"Don't get any closer." Cas hissed. I frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Because if you get any closer, further actions would not make Dean very happy." Cas replied, and with that, he was gone. I raised my eyebrows. He wasn't wrong. 

My mind trailed back to Dean. Why did Cas want me to remember? I don't think that was wise of him. My door was broken down, three men running through it. One grabbed me, while the other two checked the surroundings. I was shoved into the back of a van, with weird, strange markings that Dean had described to me as angel warding. I was screwed, and this proved it. I never should've gotten involved with Dean Winchester.

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