Chapter 2

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Kai's POV

It's one of those situations where everything seems so unreadable but you kind of know something's going on. This Billie girl looks so interesting yet mysterious that it makes me wanna dig a bit more; it seems like she could be both an angel and hell to deal with.

"Have you guys known each other for a long time?" I ask, not being able to contain my curiosity any longer.

"Yeah, Billie and I go way back" she shakes her head with a smile, like she's remembering something. "She is-"

"Oh my god, there you are!"

I instantly tense up when I hear that voice and I sigh, looking up.


Surprisingly she doesn't look that drunk, but she's holding a guy's hand instead.

As they approach us, I try to recognize his face from somewhere but he doesn't look familiar at all, and I'm pretty sure Jaden would've already told me if she would be meeting someone here.

"This is Jax" she introduces him as she sits down in front of me, letting out a surprised giggle when 'Jax' puts her on her lap.

What the hell.

"Kai" I greet him and look back at her with a serious expression, "we're leaving in a bit"

She groans in frustration and pouts, "you're no fun!"

"Who is she?" Rory asks, offering me another beer. I shake my head and thank her, not wanting to turn into an embarrassing mess.

"Jaden, she's my best friend" I shake my head as I watch her hit it off with this guy right in front of my eyes.

"He's not a bad guy" Rory shrugs, looking at me with a small smile.

"Thank god" I say, clicking my tongue, "she's pretty wasted though, I don't think she'll remember much"

Despite that, Jaden hadn't had many opportunities in a long time so knowing that Jax was a decent guy (even if it was going to be a one time thing), relieved me.

"Where're you guys going anyway?"

"It's an apartment Jaden's uncle, Brett, gave to her when he moved abroad. She told me to trust her on this one, so that's what I'll do" I reply, watching as Jaden gets up from the couch and both of them leave quietly, probably thinking I wouldn't notice.

"I hate ruining cute moments but we really have to go" I urge, looking at the watch on my wrist and back at the empty space my best friend was previously in.

We couldn't risk getting caught, not after everything we'd done.

"What are you running away from? Relax" Rory puts her hands over my shoulders, squeezing lightly. "No one can get to you here, trust me. Plus, I think you're pretty cool and I could definitely use some company right now"

The offer was without a doubt, tempting. But we'd been running for so long that time wasn't really with us on this one. And I couldn't stop thinking about the damn trackers we both had in our bodies; too anxious to finally get them out.

I look up at the sky and sigh, trying to think as rationally as possible. Jaden wouldn't come back unless I looked for her and frankly, I didn't wanna find her sucking on someone else's dick. So I'd have to wait. Meaning I'd have to stay for a bit longer.


"I guess we can stay for another hour" I agree uneasily, slumping back into the comfortable couch.

Rory didn't seem like the bad type after all, and she'd been kind enough to present me to her friends. I couldn't really complain. Nevertheless, the fact that she offered me to stay longer got me thinking about who the owner of this mansion actually is.

Even though this party's full of kids, it somehow seems bigger than that. More important.

"Do you know who the owner of all of this is?" I ask her, moving my arms around to make her understand what I'm talking about.

"You know the guy who is with your friend? Jax?" She asks and I nod, waiting for her to continue.

"He inherited all this. I know him pretty well, that's why my friends and I are always around"

"Lucky" I chuckle, earning an eager nod from her.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, which gives me time to focus on the people around us. Mainly girls who are either too high to care about the fact that they're almost naked or guys that are chatting about whatever sounds interesting at this time of the night.

When I hear Rory call my name, my attention drifts back to her again.

"I think your friend needs some help over there" she says, her head moving to the side.

When I turn my head to the other side of the garden, I see Jaden kneeling on the ground. She's grabbing her head and Jax is looking around frantically, waving like crazy once he notices I'm looking.

"I'll be back" I sigh, standing up and grabbing my backpack just in case. I jog to get there faster and kneel down to her level, grabbing her face.

"She just started complaining about her head" Jax says and sits on the ground next to her, caressing her shoulders.

"Jay" I whisper softly, looking into her lost eyes, "can you tell me what's wrong?"

"It hurts" she whines, closing her eyes, "I can't fucking think"

Her pills.

"Have you taken your pills today?" I ask, already knowing the response would probably be negative.

"Fuck, I forgot" she replies, groaning painfully.

I instantly start looking inside my bag, telling Jax to bring me a glass of water. I grab the red looking tube, only taking two blue pills before closing my bag again; shifting my attention back to Jaden.

"You gotta throw up" I say, grabbing her hair, "there's no other way"

She doesn't question me, already knowing how this goes. When she forcefully pukes, I look away, patiently waiting for her to finish.

"Done" she coughs, wiping her mouth.

I rub her back soothingly, waiting for Jax to come back. Once he does, I thank him and give her the pills and glass of water, watching as she takes them quickly.


She nods and apologizes to Jax, who smiles and assures her that everything's okay. It was the first time I'd seen a guy be so nice to a girl, specially one who'd almost thrown up all over him. As much as I knew Jaden would want to spend more time with him, I knew this was our cue to go.

"We gotta go" I remind her, smiling sadly at the two.

Jaden opens her mouth to complain but closes it and stands up slowly, throwing herself on top of him. They hug for a while and I decide to turn around to wave Rory goodbye because after all, she'd stayed with me throughout the night. I look around and she's nowhere to be seen anymore, which makes me wonder where she could have possibly gone.

"I'm ready" Jaden says, bringing me back to reality.

I nod and say bye to Jax, thanking him once again. We start walking towards the entrance and when we finally make it outside I relax slightly, knowing we'd finally be heading to our final destination.

"Let's go home"



this chapter is pretty boring but i promise it'll get so much better

thank u for taking the time to read this book, i appreciate every single one of you.

Make Me Softer // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now