2- First Impressions

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????- POV-

I turned around to the pink hedgehog behind me. She had passed out from the pain. Well, at least she's easier to help when she's not awake and asking questions. Though it would be easier to get her to the cabin if she were conscious. I sighed. I suppose I can't have my way all of the time.

I checked one last time to make sure that the pack had gone, I also made sure to find the bag that the woman had, then lifted the frail girl in my arms and walked deeper into the forest.

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Amy's POV-

I felt... warm. Which was weird. Because the last thing I could remember was being cold. My foot and hands felt numb. But it wasn't bad. At least there wasn't any pain. It was quiet, but I could hear a faint popping sound. I lazily opened my eyes to find a fire a little ways away.

Tenderly, I pushed myself up, wincing as every muscle cried out in protest. I found I was lying on a couch in a cozy little living room. I could see a count over behind the couch and an area that looked to be used as a kitchen. But there was no table.

I heard the sound of a door creaking open and my head whirls around behind me. I moved to fast though, and my head began to swim. I held my head in one of my hands as I waited for the dizziness and pain to pass.

"You're awake," I heard a deep voice say softly.

I lifted my head up to see the speaker. He was a dark hedgehog with red stripes and piercing red eyes. His ears flicked every few seconds, clearly he was very aware of his surroundings. A cautious one, I observed. "Who're you?" I asked weakly. Still regaining bearings.

"Better question is, who are you? And why are you running in the middle of a forest that's surrounded by wolf packs?" He asked calmly, but coldly.

I glanced around the nice looking cabin. It didn't look like very many people lived here. But someone definitely lived here. And I'm assuming it was him. Instead of answering his question, I countered by asking, "Why do you live in it, then?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. The hedgehog had finally lost his pateince, it seemed. I could see anger flash in his eyes. Without warming, he grabbed my wrist and twisted my arm. Pain shot down my arm and I could feel my palm throbbing from the wounds. I cried out and rose from the couch slightly to ease the pain. It didn't really work, because he just twisted it further, causing me to whimper despite my best efforts.

I could feel his breathing on my neck and ear, sending shivers down my spine. Then he whispered in my ear, "I can kill you just as easily as those wolves could have. And trust me when I say, I can make your death much more painful. So," he paused to let his threat sink in, "you better tell me if you are a friend... or foe."

Maybe he was someone to be feared... It would make sense considering how fast those wolves had fled. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and weakly answered, "I'm from a near village. I fled to escape my wedding."

He took a moment to cnosider my answer. Slowly, his fingers straightened, letting me out of his grip. I fell back onto the couch, because I couldn't support myself well on one foot. I took deep breathes to calm myself. Rolling my shoulder to make sure he hadn't given me a spiral fracture, I glared up at the hedgehog.

His red eyes glared back, but I didn't back down this time. I suppose he decided the staring contest wasn't worth his time, because he whipped around to the fire to keep it burning. Once again, the only sound that could be heard was the popping of the fire to keep it burning. Once again, the only sound that could be heard was the popping of the fire. I watched his back quietly, my mind being relatively blank. I didn't really know what to do. I appreciated him saving my life, but he was so...cold.

Why was he in the middle of the forest, living in a cabin all by himself? Speaking of.. another question popped up into my head. "How far are we from my home?" I blurted without thinking.

The hedgehog rolled back on his heels. "Depends," he said slowly. To my surprise, he looked over his shoulder at me. "Which village are you from?"

"It doesn't really have a name," I said honestly. "The nobles of the area are Sonic the Hedgehog and his father, Damien."

He tensed as soon as I had finished my sentence. Perhaps he has a problem with the nobles? Though, I couldn't think of how. I've never seen this hedgehog anywhere near our village. And the nobles don't live that far... It took awhile, but I waited patiently for his answer, hoping I hadn't angered him in sone way. Then I heard him say, "Luckily, you're far away."

Luckily? I said nothing though, and didn't question him further. As we sat in silence, I began to feel pain creep up in my foot and hands. I looked at the bandages and realized they needed to be redressed. Only the had I realized that the black and red hedgehog had moved from his seat in front of the fire. He moved gracefully to the end of the couch where my foot rested. I watched him closely, feeling tense.

He reached out to begin unraveling the bandage. As soon as his fingers had touched me, I yanked my foot back harshly, causing a sharp pain in my foot. I winced, feeling as if someone had stabbed it, or it had been bitten again.

"You really think I'm going to hurt you?" He glared up at me. "I'm the one who dressed your wounds in the first place, I'm not going to cause you any harm."

"I beg to differ," I spat harshly.

"I'm beginning to reconsider how wise it was to save you from those wolves," he muttered under his breath.

The pain in my wounds continued to grow. It would be wiser to just let him redress them. But first... "Tell me your name," I said.

He sighed and answered slowly, "They call me Shadow."

I raised an eyebrow. "They?"

"Anyone, everyone. Pick what you like." He gestured to my foot. "Now, will you let me tend to your injuries?"

Oh, now he's asking permission? I thought. He's weird, but I stretched my leg back out anyway. His touch was soft and careful, surprising, consider his brash manner and cold attitude. When he had removed the wrapping he pulled out a pungent smelling gel and applied it to my injury. I covered my nose to block the odor, but I couldn't do much about my eyes watering.

"It's effective," I heard Shadow say. "Though I know it can be unpleasant for a time."

And now he's being nice, I thought to myself. Maybe he just had time to cool down or something during that silence? He's.... distant, it seemed. When he had finished with my foot, he moved next to me and held out his hand. "What?" I asked, confused.

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Your hands."

"Oh." I held my hand out, palm up, and he gently took it in his hands. Slowly, he removed the wrapping from my hand. His gentle touch made me shiver. I don't know why, honestly.

In reaction, his head shot up. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I shook my head. "It's nothing, just a little cold," I somewhat lied.

Shadow gave me a weird look. "There's a fire going, and you have one of the warmest blankets I have, and you're cold?" I returned the weird look and shrugged, as if he should think it was normal. When I didn't say anything further he looked me up and down and continued, "I guess that would make sense, when you're wearing that dress." He finished wrapping my hand up. Then, instead of asking for the other one, he stood up and went into the other room.

When he had returned, he came back with a white linen shirt, and simple pants. "Sorry I don't have anything that you usually wear."

I looked up at him surprised. It took a moment to find my voice but I managed to softly reply, "Actually, I'd much prefer these to dresses." I hung my head and let my hair fall into my face. "Thank you."

He said nothing, and took my other hand to redress the bandages.

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