His house!

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Your POV~
Nagito took me to his house and said I could stay with him for as long as I need. I didn't have anywhere to go at this point so I stayed with him.

~Le time skip~

The prone moon was at its highest, the events from before played in my head like a movie on repeat as I sat on the sofa, spacing out like usual. The faint and distant noise of the television could be heard, the sound increasing in volume as I came to my senses.

Nagito was sitting next to me but we didn't utter a word. I smiled at him as a way of thanking him once again; he gave me a look like I had never seen before. Before I had time to comprehend what on earth was actually happing, he had leaned in to kiss me.

My cheeks turned a crimson as I kissed back, enjoying this weird feeling. I desire this man. No words had been said yet, him kissing me is like him speaking a thousand words. It was enough to tell me that he loved me. I loved him too. This felt right. I felt great. I felt loved. For the first time in years, I had felt something, happiness.

The kiss deepened as he pushed me back on the sofa, his hand moved up and down my body as if he is trying to get a general feel of my figure.

Sowwi for the short chapter, I've been busy so it's hard to update but I'm trying. I'm glad to see a lot of you are enjoying this story! Keep reading then because next chapter the LEMON beings. XDDDD😝

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