Chapter One - Mistakes

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The feeling of paranoia was a constant, always growing and always getting to me. The weather was a warm cloudy day with a slight breeze. The wind drifted along and swirled slightly in each direction. I sighed lightly and looked behind me every so often. The feeling of being watched just kept growing. I continued my walk to work it wasn't a bad job, no, it was even fun sometimes.  My legs were starting to get a little sore but if I stopped then I would be late for work. I make it just in time as the clock hits 10am. "(Y/N)!" a young friend of yours ran up to you and hugged you. "Hey Danielle... you seen me yesterday, did you miss me that much?" I chuckled as I teased her slightly. She puffed up her cheeks and huffed jokingly. This was my best friend for three years now... it feels a lot longer. She's a short, thin, African American woman and she was beautiful. I often compared myself to my friends I am a short, thin, white female with long brown hair. We laugh together and get to our jobs as photographers. 

Some time passes and it's time to pack up and go home. Today was a long yet chill day not that bad, honestly. It was dark outside and I could barley see a thing I grabbed my phone and started to text my boyfriend. 

"Hey Jacob I'm on my way home what do you want to eat?"

"Oh i'm with my friends tonight and will be home later today. I love you just get whatever you want love."

"Okay just be safe."

Jacob didn't text back after that, I felt uneasy I wont lie I can get pretty jealous but this just seemed off. It made me feel uneasy I continued walking to my home. I went to unlock my door but found it was already unlocked my memory was pretty hazy but I was positive that I had locked it. The door opened with a slight creak and everything seemed to be as it was. Nothing looked touched or out of the ordinary. As I looked around I got a cold chill and like someone was watching me again I shut my door and locked it. My phone buzzed it was a photo that an unknown phone number sent me. The number seemed to be cryptic or blocked from me seeing the real number. Worry swept over my face and then embarrassment and finally rage as I looked at the photo. I texted who is this and how they got my number. They said they were a person trying to help me and to please look at the photo, I responded with 'I did' and said thanks whoever you may be. My face was red with anger and I called Jacob right away. 

My foot tapped with impatience he answered the phone after the third ring.

"Hello? Why are you calling and not just texting babe? Are you okay?"

"Don't give me that sappy bullshit Jacob, If you're going to cheat on me with some bar hoe sitting on your lap then don't bother to come home tonight. "

He froze and his face was pale. "How did yo- " he cleared his throat. "Sweetie what do you mean are you feeling okay?"

"No! I feel like shit you asshole! You're fucking cheating on me I have photo proof! I packed your shit and I want you gone."

"You can't just kick me out you fucking whore!"

"It's my name on the god damn papers for this house SO WATCH ME!"

He hung up on me and I started to cry 'Stupid, stupid, stupid... why did you trust him? why did you let him break you again.' About twenty minutes passed and the door knob twist but stops when the lock catches it. Loud bangs are heard echoing through out the house and (Y/N) started shaking. 

"What do you want asshole?!"

"Please babe, can we work this out? Can we talk about it?"

His voice was calm and clear as mine shook and cracked. I knew better than to let him in he was not calm and the banging on the door told me that. 

"Go away you prick! I'll call the police if you don't leave!" My voice quivered and cracked again from crying and being scared.

"You son of a -"

He hit the door so hard that it almost came off, the noise made my heart skip beats and stop for a moment. I whimpered and screamed slightly when he hit the door again. I grabbed my phone and called the police, since this was a small town the police came rather quickly. When they got there Jacob gave them a story how he only wants to talk to her and how he didn't try to break the door down. The police have arrested him after I made my statement and during court they gave him a month in jail.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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