Chapter 1

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Jennie turned her keys in the keyhole as quiet as possible. Darkness greeted her. She was on the phone with her boyfriend and if she paid any attention to his responses they would seem dry and forced. But she could barely keep her eyes open after exhausting day at music show. Jennie undressed herself by the force of habit and was ready to pass out right there on the floor until she saw the light coming from the kitchen. She followed it.

'Who of the girls is up at such hour?'- she thought in amazement. She found a girl on a chair in deep slumber. It was Lisa.

Jennie smiled to herself and gently stroked the girl's cheek.

'Wake up, sleepyhead,'- she called out. Lisa jerked awake. As she realized who she was with her face broke into a smile.

'Jennie unnie!'- the maknae pulled Jennie into tight embrace. Jennie put her hands around the girl awkwardly. She most definitely wasn't expecting this. It was long time ago when she would interact with the members like this.

When Lisa pulled away she was still smiling.

'Have you been waiting for me?'- Jennie asked as she realized that.

'Kind of'- Lisa replied bashfully. She fidgeted with her fingers for a while and then said- ' I bought you some ice cream. Milk flavored '.

Delight was written all across Jennie's face. As if life energy came back to her.

'Let's eat then'- she clapped her hands excitedly. Lisa smiled at her cuteness and put ice cream out of fridge. They ate in silence. Then Jennie yawned languidly. Lisa looked up from her plate.

' Go to sleep now, unnie, or you won't make it out of bed tomorrow'

Jennie nodded- 'But I'll wash the dishes'

Lisa had no choice but to let her. Her unnie could be stubborn at times.

'Good night, Jennie'- said the maknae and left for her room.

When Jennie finished she was contemplating about how she could thank Lisa. She didn't expect anyone to care about her. Not after her 'Solo' promotions. Not after the whole Jenkai thing. Not after she herself build the walls between her and the members. Jennie stopped in her tracks when she reached Lisa's room. She knew the girl was still up by the dimmed light from the hole between her door and the floor. She knocked gently.

'Come in!'

Jennie reached Lisa who was sitting on a sofa expectantly, mouthed 'Thank you' and gave the girl a quick peck on the cheek before storming out.

Lisa was left there thinking that she's still dreaming and blushing deeply.


The air was filled by sweet and smooth like honey voice. A certain redhead was strumming her guitar. Suddenly the music stopped with the singer's yawn. Jisoo who was completely under her charm just a while ago chuckled softly.

'Yah, quit it! I'm just tired'- Chaeyoung pinched the older girl's sides. Which caused another chuckle from Jisoo.

Rose glared at the girl.

'Ok, I'm sorry'-Jisoo said but the other girl only put her hands around the guitar, not buying the apology.

They have been sitting on a duvet in Jisoo's room for 4 hours already.

Then Chaeyoung sighed and put her guitar aside.

'Jisoo I wanted to ask you something...'- she said almost inaudibly. But Jisoo was all ears.

'Do I seem weird to you?'- Rose said


'It's just ... I've never been in love.'

'Oh. It's not strange. Maybe you just haven't found the right guy yet'- said Jisoo uncertainly.

'No I mean I haven't felt even a slight attraction towards a male. I was so busy pursuing my career that it didn't even occur to me. I watched Alice (A/n Rose's sister in rl) grow up and date boys but I was indifferent about it. And now I'm starting to worry. What's wrong with me?'

Jisoo was speechless by Chaeyoung's sudden confession.

'It's OK ...I guess... I mean this kind of situation isn't rare, right?'- rambled Jisoo.

'Whatever. This doesn't matter anyway since we aren't even allowed to date'- Chae rushed to end this conversation.

Jisoo nodded repeatedly. Rose yawned again.

'Wanna sleepover?'- asked Jisoo as casual as she could.

'Sure!'- Chaeyoung beamed.

They made the bed for themselves. Chaeyoung was laying on 1 side of the bed as she watched the older girl putting the cushions between them . ('So you wouldn't feel awkward'- Jisoo reassured.) She felt hurt for some reasons.

The other morning they woke up in each other's arms with all the cushions laying on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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