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Annalise POV
Real life..... Me and Brandon were lying in bed , with sweat dripping from our forehands and only thing you can hear are our heavy pants and breaths.. "So what are we gonna do now?" Brandon asked , I really don't know so I'm gonna be honest with him "I really don't know..?" I said honestly "we can't let Zi-" I was caught off by a loud banging on my door. "GET TF UP IF YALL DONT WANNA DIE" somebody said , me and Brandon looked at each other confused 😐 I was highly confused until I heard a deep familiar voice yell "WHERE THE HELL ARE YALL?" I know that voice it was Zion's! OMG how the hell did he founded it out? Did one of the girls told him? If so they broke my tru- I was caught off by my thoughts when Brandon said something "shit what do we do?" He asked "well shit hide somewhere" I said "where?" He asked "My closet or something" I said "okay" I walked down my stairs to see all 4 of the girls sitting there , I made eye contact with Rachel and she mouthed a sorry to me , so she the one who told?. I looked to lefted and saw a fuming Zion he was pissed. It was a awkward silence so I decided to end it. "Hey big bro......What are you um doing here?" I asked while starching the back of my head , he made contact with me and let's say if looks can kill you I would've be dead a million time ngl (not gonna lie) "what am I doing here? What were you doing upstairs with my bandmate? Hmm" he asked I said trying to say honestly "what? no one is here expect me , you and the girls...?" "Mmmh" next thing I know he's running up the stairs and me and girls follow him , he went into my room , looking everywhere , in my bathroom , underneath my bed , he even looked in my first closet , he walked over to the second one and I prayed that Brandon isn't in there , he opened the closet and..........
A/N sorry for the cliffhanger , I know I'm bad but in a couple chapters I'm gonna get better , this is my first story , and I'm not a very good writer but I'm gonna get better and tell y'all friends please

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