The not so good surprise

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I unpacked the food in the basket and Louis and I ate. After we were done eating we sat together until it got dark. We held eachother and it got late and I was getting tired. Louis noticed me getting sleppy and started to tickle me. I laughed so hard I cried. He stoped and says " You awake now love?". "how could I not be?" I said in a friendly tone. Then we packed up and left. We arrived at our hotel at 11:30 and we were both so tired we feel asleep without changing.

I woke up and Louis wasnt beside me. I wondered where he could be and then he came in talking on the phone and said with a depressed voice "Ok thank you for leting us know, yes she is fine ok bye". "who was that?" I asked. He says " That was Danielle and she has just told me tha-" he stops and tries to stop from crying " she told me that last night while she and Liam were going to the airport to come see us..that um..they got in an acciedent and Liam got a big blow to the head and is in a comma."

He stops and starts to tear up very badly. And I say "Oh my god is he ok ?!" he says "He is in the hospital in intensive care". Then I start crying uncontrollably. Lou holds me and says it's all gonna be ok and that he bought plane tickets for the next flight out to go and see him. I ask Lou " What if he wont be ok? What if he can never sing again?" I say struggling against the sobs. " We can't let thoghts like that get in our head right now. We just have to trust that the doctors will take care of him ok?" he says. Then he strokes my back and holds me and we sit there as terrible thoughts fill my head of what could happen to my dear friend. And I try to just do what Louis said. And we just sit there thinking of our beloved friend Liam.

Authors note

Hello guys I hope u like my story so far and sorry for all the sadness it's kinda hard to control :p

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