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"This, Eleven, is Fourteen."

There was an image in front of her. She squinted at it curiously.

"Like me?"

"No. Nothing like you. Almost."

Questioning, innocent eyes peered up at Papa.

"Fourteen, unlike you, is not at all human."

A boy, older than her by a few years, looked on confidently with luminescent eyes of green. A curious glow shone dimly from his form, casting odd shadows on his body. The peculiar child wore a skin tight black hazmat suit with white boots, gloves, and belt. Disgarding that, and the fact that he was floating clear off the ground, he looked rather human-like to her.

"Fourteen, unlike you, is an enemy." Papa stated, slapping down a second image.

The boy's face was contorted into a nasty snarl, showing fangs. He was on all fours, and copious amounts of the same substance that shone in his eyes oozed out of him like blood. He was in a white room, much like her's but bigger and less decorated. He was hissing angrily at a man in a white suit.

"Scary..." she whispered.

"Yes. But what is scarier is that it escaped."


"It's not contained with us, where it belongs. Though we've named it Fourteen, it does not have a number on it yet. It is not human, nor a sentient being. It's dangerous, and it's not under our control. Now, what do you think that means?"

Silence. Not an unusual response.

"It means..." he began, shuffling with the folder he had.


This was made of multiple papers. Not as held together as a book. Thinner pages and smaller lettering. On the cover, a picture of Fourteen again, who seemed to be strangling a short, portly man in a suit a bit like Papa's. H-it's eyes were different.

"Fourteen is not very nice, you see. It hurts innocent people. Now, your job is very important. You can help prevent things like this from happening."

He let the child clutch it in her hands as she processed the information.

"Here, on the other hand, is it's alias." Papa added, setting another picture onto the table. "This is why a few... select humans believe that it is human."

Same face. Same build. Everything else was wildly different. Snow white hair was now a sleek black. Unsettling green eyes a normal, pleasant blue. There was no eretheral glow radiating off of him. No skin tight black and white jumpsuit, but instead a loose white and red shirt and blue pants. Very odd clothing as far as she was concerned.

"It looks much more human here, don't you agree? Nonthreatening, powerless, normal. Giving the illusion that it can feel pain, in order to trick people. It's why some pity it. Tried to protect it. Those actions lead to their end, unfortunately."

As Papa spoke, 011's eyes flicked between the two images of 014.

"Same." She concluded.

"Yes. And both of it's forms are evil. Some people didn't believe so. Those people are fools. Are you a fool, Eleven?"

Whatever Papa said was fact. He was always correct, even when she didn't understand or like it. He was right. And she would follow him.


"Very good."

And so it begun. For the countless days ahead (at least in Eleven's mind), her whole life and purpose shall revolve around 014, as well as many other enemies and setient property of the government.

There was one rule that she must follow even if it costs her her life: to never, ever become attached to those she finds in her visions. For they are the Bad Men. And if she were to ever deviate, she too will become part of the Bad Men.

This was not allowed to occur.

Notes: A big thanks to my friend @Lil_devil_darlin for putting up with me info dumping on her and helping me sort out this story. This is something that's been floating around in my head for awhile. It'll likely be a little while until I get chapter 1 out, since this story is going to be a long, planned out story. I just though I'd put this out for now! This is an 80's au of Danny Phantom  (or else it wouldn't make sense). This takes place before the events of season 1 of stranger things, but the actual first chapter will take place during the time Eleven is living with Hopper before she meets her mother and Kali. Don't worry, we'll meet Danny shortly! Stay tuned.

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