Brianne's story.

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As I was walking my little brother bj, aka " kill monger" as Natilee calls him, to school. He was talking non-sense as usual. Today he was claiming that he knew how to finally do the orange justice. He's been salty for the past month that I know how to do every Fortnite dance. the thing is when he does it he looks like a noodle just wiggling around because he's so skinny. But, back to the story. I didn't receive the news through a message. I received it through someone chatting with me through my PlayStation. I knew for sure it wasn't a girl, so that helps the situation. But I know it's someone in my group of friends I'll go home and write down a list of the people in it.
The weird thing is it sounds like this person is trying to make Kalyn and Roman hate each other. Oh boy, this is very suspicious. My only questions are who did it, why did they do it, and how they did it. Now that I think about it. Karla is the only one who's been looking guilty since she walked in. She hasn't said a word.

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