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Wow there's a shit ton of people here,why did Piper bring me here. Piper one of my best friends and roommates dragged me to this lavish dinner party in some nice club in Manhattan I'm guessing Idk of her sugar baby friend. I was hella out of place, I just wanted to be home snuggled up with my Koko puff(my pittie) eating some Chinese in my undies, but nooooo I just had to say yes because Piper was too scared to go by herself I mean the bitch bunji dived from a 600 ft cliff but social parties make her trash her panties. Ooohhh hor'derves. "Pig in a blanket don't mind if I do" I shove one of the soft flaky bad boys into my mouth. "Here she is isn't she cute this is my bestie Kezia,Kezia this is my sb friend Rosemary!" Piper squealed out with a tall blonde modelesque girl on her arm. "Hey nice to meet you, lovely party" I said smiling faintly, who the hell names there kid Rosemary. "Thank you my daddy arranged it, come on let me show you to the vip section" Rosemary said leading the way with crossing her long legs as she walked to look sexy ig but the girl looked like she has to pee if you ask me, we get there and I can finally sit my black ass down. "I'll be right back order anything Rose said it's on the house" Piper said over her shoulder as she headed through red door "m'kay" I said looking back down at the menu a bitch is drinking all the Shirley temples she wants tonight. After I ordered I sat back in the leather seat and observed the high class in their habitat, it was crazy to think that half these prestigious men have sugar babies and mistress but then again you can't judge a book by its cover. It's been half an hour and my ST has yet to arrive so ofc I gotta haul ass to the bar and see what's going on, as I'm walking I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn and see the most scrumptious man to have ever walked the earth, blue eyes, chiseled jaw,short shaven beard, short cut hair, toned muscles under his suit,all in all my kinda guy but I know he's not interested which sucks ass but it is what it is. "Excuse me-" I put my hand up " Not to be rude but I'm gonna stop you right there I don't work here sorry" handsome laughed " I know that I wanted to ask-" "You're looking for Piper right she'll be back in a minute but if you want to go now She went through there, also sorry for cutting you off" If he knew I didn't work there then he was looking for Piper she was stupidly gorgeous. I walk over to the bar another tap on my shoulder I swivel my head around being a little extra with it "Yes" it's handsome again " I thought I told you pipers not here" I raise an eyebrow " Idk who Piper is but what I was trying to ask you earlier is can I buy you a drink" my jaw hit the floor AINT no way in hell this Adonis looked at me vs the other girls here and chose me, just as I was about to say something a guy came and whispered in his ear "Give me a minute" handsome said walking away. Well that's new " Excuse me" I tried to get the bartenders attention but she was not looking my way at all like hello bitch did I turn invisible. She finally turns to me and sneers " what do you want?" Imma let it slide "my Shirley Temple that I order from the VIP section didn't come after about 30 minutes so I was wondering if I can get that now please" I smiled even though she was being a bitch. She scoffed "VIP you?" She gave me the once over " I don't think so" she said shaking the drink mixer. Now I'm getting angry " Can I please just get my drink thank you" she looked back at me still shaking the drink mixer"How'd ghetto trash like you get in here" the party got quieter it seems our back and forth caught some attention. "Alright I've had enough, listen to me and listen to me and listen to me good Jennifer I'm being nice but you pushing my buttons say something else and imma shove that mixer up ya white ass you hear me!" She flinched taking a step back, typical, all bark no bite. " You know what fuck this, I'm out" I walked over to the vip section where my coat was and headed out the door. I walked up the steps and stopped before opening the doors I texted Piper I'm leaving and I'd come pick her up when she's done, I look for the car keys God let me have them, HALLELUJAH, I headed out the doors and "OOOHHH ITS BRICK" I speed walk except in my hurry a bitch went the wrong way I buss a u turn back towards the club? Dinner party establishment. As I'm walking by out walks tall,dark and scrumptious, I walk a little faster, I know he said he was interested but guys that cute just wanna fuck girls like me and I'm not down for that. I mean I would be down for it because he's delicious but not after the break ya girl just had. "Hey wait!" He shouts jogging to catch up to me which didn't take long on those long muscular legs I bet he could- No. begone naughty thoughts. "Yes Adonis" I said stopping and turning to him "Adonis? I'm flattered but I'd love it more if I got your name and or number" he smiled and his teeth were fucking sparkling like who's your dentist my guy. " But I'm not your type" he looked puzzled "I beg your pardon" I looked him over again and damn was he gorgeous " I said I'm not your type" he came closer "How do you know what my type is?" He leaned in smirking "Well I know guys like you-" I put my hand on his chest it was hard, inhaling sharply I pushed him back out of my bubble "You guys go for tall blondes plus just by looking I can tell we're  opposites I'm the type to lay on the couch in only a T-shirt and panties eating Chinese and watching comedies, you like fine dining , you look like you went to a prestigious college, I went to a shitty four year one thirty minutes from home, you look like you listen to Mozart and play the piano, I listen to trap music and love to shake my ass to it, see what I'm getting at." He bust out laughing, I blush a little this boi really laughing at me " What's so funny!" His laugh just as you imagined amazing "You" he says in between laughs, he finally stops laughing and looks at me. " You done?" He smiles and steps back into my bubble "Yeah, I just thought it was funny how you assumed all these things but you don't know me. But I would love to get to know you" he took my hand lifted it to his mouth and brushed his lips against it. " First of all that was as cute as it was cringe inducing-" he laughed again "secondly I'm not here for a quickie so if that's what you want go get Jennifer from the bar" I said seriously "I would never, I'm Alexandre but my friends call me Alex" ofc he's French, If he ever speaks French I might just- No Kezia bad, no sex thoughts of the gorgeous man. "Mhmm, I'm Kezia" I said shaking his hand "Can I walk you to your car?" " No need" I slapped Suzy's roof,yes my cars name is Suzy, " We're already here" I get the keys out " May I have your number then I'd like it if I could take you out some time" I eyed him, he really wants a slice of me. Don't get me wrong I'm cute, I'm cute as shit but my body could use some adjustments aka I'm a chubbster. "Alright gimme your phone" he looks over at me as I type my number in his phone, I hand it back and walk to the driver side of the car " Have a good night Alexandre" I say getting in to start the car, he smiles and taps the passenger side window, I low it down "Good night Kezia and trust me we'll be seeing a lot more of each other and hopefully I get to see some of that ass shaking you were talking about earlier " He winked and walked away all sexy like. I roll up the window "Bitch wtf just happened,that sexy guy just wanted some of your goodies that's what or is he playing you for some cooch " I talk to myself as I buckle in "Shit I'll find out later but now TIME
That's Kezia in the picture and this

 I roll up the window "Bitch wtf just happened,that sexy guy just wanted some of your goodies that's what or is he playing you for some cooch " I talk to myself as I buckle in "Shit I'll find out later but now TIME FOR SOME CHINEEEEEESSEEE"———That...

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Is Alexandre in casual clothes ofc

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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