a little piece of chapter 1

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this is to get people bumped for my new book and t get more auditions hope you like it and sorry if Lauren seems mean i picked one part and she was very upset at this part! hope you like!!!!!

One Direction’s music was my inspiration to get me through my illnesses. As a child, I had heart problems, asthma, everything, I was like a walking medical journal. When I thought I was finally free of all of that, I come here today for a physical to find out I have severe brain cancer. Their music just makes me happy; it gets me through whatever difficult times I feel, the times when I just want to die.

Weeks went by and I feel as though Hanna was more upset about not being able to go to the One Direction concert with me more so than the fact that I had deathly cancer. Those next few weeks I became a very bitter person; Hanna said that everyone was talking about One Direction’s concert, not to mention the fact that they were all over the media displayed on the old hospital tv. I was extremely hostile toward my mom, saying terrible things like, “if Dad were here this wouldn’t have happened,” almost as if I were blaming her for my illness, which really wasn’t her fault. I lost my dad at a young age; he was a victim of a hit and run incident a few years ago. At this point, no one wanted to talk to me, so when the nurse told me today that the Make A Wish woman was coming to retrieve my last request, I had nothing but pent up rage to throw at her. Considering I was stuck in a fucking hospital bed, I realistically knew that wishing wouldn’t take away the fact that my life was being taken right from me.

The nurse entered the room and asked my mother and the doctor to leave. “Lauren, the people from Make A Wish are here to speak to you.”

“Hi there Lauren,” the woman said.

“Go away,”

“I just want to talk.”

“I’m done talking, just let me die.”

“I’m here to help you, Lauren. Anything you want, let me know.”

“My wish is to not be on my fucking death bed,” I said, tears running down my face.

“Let’s say you weren’t dying. If you had one wish…what would it be?”  asked the social worker, sitting up next to my bed.

“I want to meet One Direction; to hang out with them, for like a week. There my idols, I love them.”

The woman gave me a disappointed look, “One Direction is very busy right now, you know that, right? They’re on tour.”

“That’s my wish.”

“Fine.” Her disappointment seemed to have rubbed off on me, because I knew my wish was a little outlandish. I spent the rest of the day thinking it over. This would never happen. I would never meet them.

More weeks went by and I was growing more and more depressed by the time July rolled around. I would never meet my idols. I wasted my one last wish on an impossible reality because I’m a greedy bitter good for nothing waste of a life. 

“Ms. Wells, phone for you.”

I was expecting to hear ominous doctor reports and medicated orders that I didn’t care about; instead, I heard something totally different.

“HELLOOOOO LAURA!” said a voice from the other line. It sounded like the voice of Louis Tomlinson. I must really be hallucinating.

“It’s Lauren, you dumb twat,” someone else said, it sounded like Liam. What kind of drugs was I on? I was totally hallucinating now.

“Lauren,” said someone with an Irish accent, “how would you like to hang with us for one week?”

Hope you like and more will come when auditions are over i am sooooo existed cant wait!!!!!!!!!

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