Chapter one. Him

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Joshua's p.o.v
I role out of bet to check on my Grandma. A sweet smell of roses fill the hall. I turn and see a guy he is tall and handsome. He has a deep wound in his neck.
"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"
"One question at a time please." He grins revealing sharp teeth.
"What are you?"
"This will be a long one. I am Jeremy Daniels I need no reason to be here and I am a ghost... I think."
"Ghosts don't exist."
"My apologies. Was the huge ass slash in my neck not proof enough?" I scream for my Grandma. "You can scream as loud as you want no one can hear you or me."
"Why are you here?"
"Look you can't tell anyone about this but I'm here to warn you about something. Something terrible."
"What is it?"
"In ten days something horrible will happen. You have to trust me and get out of this house. And quickly. Your Grandma isn't your grandma anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"Something horrible has taken her and when she wakes up she won't be her but she will be her."
"Stop talking like that."
"Your grandma has died. She will come back in ten days but she isn't your grandma. Call 911 and tell them and then move."
"No. Just do it. She isn't one with the living anymore."
"What do you mean she was fine an hour ago."
"I'm sorry but she isn't anymore." He fades away but the rose sent lingers. I check on my grandma sure enough she is gone. I call 911 confused scared and saddened. They take her. I stand there confused. If he is right then what will happen to me if I don't move. Ten days isn't enough time. I'll just stay in a hotel or something on the ninth night. I decide to call my friends for a party to distract me from everything.
"Hey I hope you don't mind we brought some extras."
"I don't care. Enjoy yourselves blair e music. My house is sound proof."
"Sweet." My house fills up with people. I go upstairs and listen to the music. The familiar rose sent comes back. I leave my room. The guy is back.
"Oh! You're throwing a party."
"Yeah. Trying to forget some shit."
"I wish I could forget some shit. Maybe even get rid of parts of me."
"I think about murder a lot. Probably has something to do with this." He points to the cut.
"What happened?"
"I was kidnapped and murdered. They sliced my neck open. I was three. I'm now twenty one."
"You still age?"
"Yup. I'll age forever." He leans on the banester.
"It gets lonely. Hell I was quiet the prankster when I was little but I had to pull them on the living ghosts can't interact."
"That must suck."
"It does."
"So you've been dead for a while."
"Yup. It sucks. I want to be walking among the living like you. My murderous thoughts and tendencies aren't me."
"So can they hear us?"
"Nope. They can't even see us. I put a note in your room saying you ditched even if it was your house."
"That actually sounds like me."
"Does it? You're not a good host."
"Nope." We laugh.
"I promise I'll protect you. You just have to promise me something."
"What is it?"
"You let me stay with you in your house. No rituals or blessings."
"Got it."
"Yeah." He smiles a weak smile.
"Thanks." He stands up and looks opaque. "Only you can see me and when you want to talk press this."
"Now go enjoy the party I'll stay up here."
"I don't know."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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