A Correctional School, Mr Hottie and Me

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I read the sign another time "Roswell Correctional School", I turned and looked at my mother and she sighed.

"Darling it's better this way" she said sadly.

"But Mother, a correctional school really?" I glared at the sign hoping it would go away.

"It was that or juvie" she popped the boot of the car and hopped out of the car.

"I would of preferred juvie" I mumbled under my breath, I really didn't do anything that bad did I? I thought about it for a moment... Nah of course I didn't I'm a perfect little angel I giggled to myself.

"Are you going to get your luggage or am I?" my Mother yelled.

"Coming Mother" I slowly hopped out of the car, I was wearing a really short skirt with a singlet that went to just above my belly button which showed of my piercing and a leather jacket. Puleassee I wasn't a slut I was just making my presence known and if they think for a second I'm going to change they can think again. I grabbed my suitcase from my Mother and walked ahead to the ugly building with ADMINISTRATION written on it. The building was all drab and boring I seriously wanted to poke my eyes out.

"Mother I've been and seen let's leave before they notice I'm here" I gave my Mother a pleading look.

"NO April you're staying, I'm getting sick of your crap I just can't handle it anymore" my mother said in a stern voice. I raised my eyebrow at her knowing she was messing around when she burst into fits of laughter.

"Oh Mother you always do seem to crack" I smiled and looked at my Mother and smiled "I will try for you and if you hear about any fires it wasn't me, you know just in case you hear about any". She gave me a genuine smile.

"I seriously can't believe I'm boarding here" I sighed "It's so ugly, would you object if I spray-painted some areas to uh... You now make it look better?" I questioned her. She chuckled and shook her head.

"April do try to behave please I don't want to see you go to juvie" a wave of despair washed over her face and it broke my heart.

"I will try my best no promises, let's go get me some hot delinquent's. I.... Uh mean my ...Uh... schedule... yeah my schedule" Yeah smart one dumb one like she's going to believe that I thought to myself. I looked up at her to see an amused look on her face.

"You can if you want just don't let me get a phone call saying you're pregnant" she giggled as I shuttered at the image.

"EWWW Mother I am not getting pregnant" she looked relieved.

"Okay let's get your dorm number and schedule; I really got to get back to go to work tonight"I grabbed my backpack from the front seat and closed the door. I walked through to the admin block with my head held high ready to face whateve is thrown at me but be careful I will throw it back twice as hard. I pushed the door of the ADMINISTRATION block to find it wouldnt open, I looked up at my Mother and shrugged my shoulders.

"Looks like its closed" I said.

"Uh April " she chuckled, I frowned what's so funny. I looked at where she was pointing on the door and let a scarlet red blush appear on my cheeks. It had in big bold letters PULL, wow that's embarrassing. The office lady smiled politely at us when we finally got inside.

"Good morning how can I help you today?" the lady asked to politely. Smiling I looked at her.

"Good morning" I chirped happily "My Mother said I could get anything for Christmas so I want a dinosaur now I heard you supply the best quality dinosaurs around is this correct?" the lady looked at me like I belonged in a correctional school.. Oh wait.

"April play nice" my mother scolded me and looked back at the lady "my apologies April can be a handful, we are here because she is new here and we need her schedule and dorm number" the lady let out a anxious chuckle and handed me my schedule.

"Okay dorm room 28 and since it is the weekend you get the res of today and tomorrow to explore the campus, also your bags will have to be scanned and checked and you will need to have a full body search and scan" she turned serious " the principle will be here shortly take a seat". I shrugged and sat down on the floor earning two disapproving looks from my Mother and the office lady.

"Mrs office lady what's your name mines April" I asked the office lady curiously.

"My names Jenny Paige but call me Mrs Paige please"

"Okay Jenny" I said purposely to annoy her "wanna be my friend?"

"I really must get back to work" she muttered something under her breath about disrespectful teenagers and walked out of her office.

"I guess that's a no" I giggled and looked up at my Mother she shook her head with a smile forming on her face.

"What am I going to do with you April?" I thought about it for a moment.

"Love me forever and ever and ever" I exclaimed in a childish voice. Almost an hour later and the principle decides to show up and gosh was I pissed off, Mother gave me a warning look when she saw my expression when the stupid principle walked thought the door.

"Uh April is it?" he asked me.

"What of it?" I snarled at him.

"I'm Mr Fallows your principle follow me to my office please" obviously not noticing my hostility towards him.

"Mummy come with me to speak to the big bad principle pleaseeeee" I said with the puppy dog face and childish voice all working double time.

She sighed and chuckled "if that is what must be done then so be it lead the way Mr Fallows" I doubled over in laughter at her reply.

"Please call me Greg" Mr Fallows told my mother.

"Okay GREG" I said emphasizing the Greg part just to piss him off.

"April please call me Mr Fallows "

"No Greg I don't want to " I smirked and he sighed.

"As you wish April " fist pump moment mental tally time- school: 0 -April: 1. I walked into his office with a grin on my face.

"Now April do you know what the Roswell correctional school does?" Greg asked me.

"Yeah helps pain in the ass kids like me and makes us a better person yada, yada, squirrel" he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Uh sure ok have you got your schedule and door room number?" I sighed.

"Yes just let me go this is so boring" I fake yawned.

"I hope I won't be seeing you in here In the near future good luck April enjoy your first day"

"Of course you won't see me in here I'm an angel bye bye now" I gave him a wave and slung my backpack over my shoulder and dragged my suitcase out the door. This was a whole new year for me one I didn't want but I had to for me and for Mum.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2012 ⏰

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