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A cool breeze shifted through the area around the lake as the moon rose. The dark green leaves that rested on the trees in RookClan territory moved along with the breeze, a few falling off and landing on the soft undergrowth below. A mossy hollow had a large group of cats inside it, all of whom were gathered in a clearing. A large, dark gray and brown tom sat on a large tree stump and looked at one cat below him sadly.

    A golden colorpoint she-cat was asleep in a den made from dark oak branches and leaves. A dark ginger and black tom was beside her, snoring and murmuring in their sleep.

    Suntail’s head shot up when she heard a yowl. She looked around the den to check for her Clanmates, but no other RookClan warrior was there. Suntail relaxed when she saw Bramblemoon beside her, and she nudged them with their muzzle. “Bramblemoon,” She muttered. “Something’s going on. Get up.”

    The tomcat curled into a tighter ball.


    “Hnngh.. Fine..”

    Bramblemoon stood up as slow as a turtle, and stretched. Their bushy red tail brushed the top of the den, and they shook out their fur. Suntail stood up, and the two twined their tails together. “What do you think’s going on?”

    Bramblemoon shrugged. “Maybe someone died.”

    “Don’t talk like that.”

    Bramblemoon opened their mouth to speak, but they were cut off by Silverpaw, a RookClan apprentice, sticking her head into the den. “Stormstar wants you both outside.” She said before disappearing. Suntail looked at Bramblemoon and squinted. “You got us in trouble.” She teased.

    “Did not.” They objected.

    “Did too.”

    Bramblemoon stuck their tongue out at Suntail, and led her outside into the clearing. Suntail shivered as she was met with the cold, and she pressed her body closer to Bramblemoon for warmth. She noticed a familiar gray pelt ahead of her. Bramblemoon seemed to notice too, and they led Suntail over to the other warrior.

“Nightflight,” Suntail whispered. “What’s going on?”

Nightflight turned around, and Suntail’s heart shrank when she saw the expression on her face. “I-” Nightflight closed her mouth, and nudged Suntail and Bramblemoon forward. “I don’t feel like I can explain. Just… See for yourself.”

Suntail took a few steps forward to the front of the crowd, Bramblemoon following next to her. Suddenly, Bramblemoon tensed up and held their breath.

“What? What is it?”

Bramblemoon jerked their head towards the middle of the clearing, and Suntail looked over. Her tail spiked, and her pelt bristled when her gaze rested on what was in front of her.

Dawnstream, Bramblemoon’s brother, was sobbing into a silver-red pelt.


Suntail knew Rosewillow all too well. The she-cat had beautiful long fur that dragged across the clearing, yet never got dirty. Her pale green eyes never showed any emotion- And when they did it was only clear judgement. Suntail had been Rosewillow’s best friend when they were apprentices... or so Suntail thought at the time.

Suntail was bought back to the present when she heard Stormstar speak. “Dawnstream,” He murmured. “Rosewillow’s death was not in vain. She will live on through your kits- strong RookClan kits.”

Suntail looked back at Dawnstream for a reaction. The red tabby gripped the ground with his claws and snarled, and he darted up. “She did die in vain.” The Clan gasped as Dawnstream’s tail lashed. “Those kits- those things- killed her.”

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