Battle Won Part 2

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|Morgan is five years old and it's the anniversary of Peter's death. They had a special celebration outside of Stark Towers. Morgan knows what his brother has done and really wished he could meet him. Ned and Betty got married, MJ is still single but works as Pepper's Intern. Everything goes smoothly until the sinister six come out and attack them. The Vulture goes to Kill Morgan Peter Benjamin Parker Stark when a Lad in the Iron Spider suit comes out and saves them. Peter reunites with his family and they live happily ever after|

Tony's P.O.V
It's been 5 years since my first lride and Joy has been taken away. 5 years since New York has seen Spiderman. 5 years since my son Peter sacrificed himself so humanity can live. Me and the avengers are holding a special celebration to remeber him and what he was like. As we promised, Morgan knows all about Peter and wants to be just like him. "Daddy are you okay? Do you need a hug?" My adorable Morgan asked. He looked just like Peter did when he was this age. "Yes buddy. It's just the day your older brother sacrificed himself so the world could live." I say as I crouch down to his level.

"Do you, mommy, Aunt Nat, Aunt Wanda, Aunt Hope, Aunt Laural, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Steve, Uncle Vision, Uncle Pietro, Uncle Scott, Uncle Clint, Uncle Thor, Uncle Loki, Uncle Sam and Uncle Rodney miss him?" Morgan asked as he hugged me."

"Yes buddy we miss him a lot. You see he was one of the best things that happened to me and your mother. He looked just like you. I made sure that pictures of Peter was up on the walls so Morgan would never forget him. Morgan and every other Avenger had watched his memories so we knew all about him.

"Would he of been proud of me? Would he love me?" Morgan asked and at that moment everyone walked in and Morgan ran to my wife and hugged her.

"Buddy Peter would of loved you, he would spoiled you silly and been more protective of you then the rest of us combined. He would do anything for you." My wife finished as Morgan nodded.

I heard a clinking noise and Karen and Friday came up behind me in their human form thanks to Peter's engineering. "Auntie Karen! Auntie Friday!" Morgan yelled as he hugged them. Even though they were robots they acted like humans and were dating.

"Hello little one, Tony I believe it's time we get going. They crowd is getting impatient." Karen said as she hugged Morgan and then held Friday's hand.

"Alright everyone, stay together at all cost. Someone might come and attack you so be on guard." I finished as I vowed to Protect Morgan and not fail him like I did Peter.

Third P.O.V
As the Avengers walked up onto the stage, everything became silent and they all turned there attention towards Tony who was at the mic. Little did they know, they were about to get in danger but then get the surprise of a life time.

"Excuse me Ladies and Gentlemen as you know, today was the day the Peter Benjamin Stark sacrificed himself so we could live. He made such an impact on our lives and we couldn't be thankful enough for what he has done. That is why there is a video that was recently found that I would like to share with you." Tony finished speaking as he picked up Morgan and hugged him who kept waving at the crowd.

It stared with Peter sitting on the garage bench wiping the oil of his face. "Karen press play." Pepper asked as he eyes started to water.

"Hello everyone! If your seeing this video than I'm definitely dead and Morgan is around five years old" Peter began as he stood up and walked to the bench."

Everyone had a good laugh at his cheery tone while others were wondering how he knew what was happening

"I know your confused about how I know this and let me tell you, seeingnthe future is not fun. Just ask Doctor Stephen Strange on that one" he said as he picked up a screwdriver and continued his work.

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