Chapter 1 :The First Day Of The School

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I groaned in annoyance as my phone buzzed rapidly, waking me up from an amazing dream. Forcing myself to wake up, I sat up, and, rubbing my eyes, checked the time on my phone. It was currently 7:00, way too early to be up.

Just as I was about to go back to sleep, I heard the sound of my mum yelling outside my room, banging on the door.

"Sophia, wake up this instant or you're gonna be late for school!" She yelled, still banging on my room door. At this rate, my door is going to be destroyed.

"What do you mean, school?" I asked, confused.

I could hear her sighing in exasperation on the other side.

"Don't tell me you forgot that today's your first day at your new school." She said, sounding annoyed.

Whoops. I had definitely forgot about that.

"Shit." I muttered, getting out of bed quickly. "I'll be ready in a second, Mum!" I yelled, rushing to the toilet for a quick shower.

After an incredibly rushed shower and barely enough time to brush my teeth, I put on my uniform, not caring if it was messy. Tying my hair into a ponytail, I put my phone in my pocket and put on my watch. I made sure I had my lunch money before grabbing my school bag. I opened the door and ran downstairs.

"Mum, what time is the bus coming?" I asked as I arrived downstairs.

Mum was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and looked up as I walked in. Dad wasn't awake yet, so he was nowhere to be seen.

"In 5 minutes." She replied, after checking the time on the clock in the kitchen.

I groaned. "So I have to skip breakfast?"

Mum rolled her eyes and laughed. "Well, if you woke up early, there would've been plenty of time for breakfast."

I glared at her. "Not helping."

Before Mum could reply, the sound of a horn honking could be heard.

"That should be the bus." Mum said, walking me to the door. "Have a great day at school, dear."

I smiled at her as I put on my shoes. "Yeah, I will. Bye, Mum!"

Then I went into the bus and it was quiet since is morning. Some are still in  their dream, some are reading book. I went to the end and sit down , Rose was sitting there . As usual she is holding a story book.

"Morning!" said Rose 

"Morning!" I replied 

"What book are you reading ?" I asked 

"Oh I am reading 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' by Jk Rowling . " Rose replied

" Oh I know this book" I said

" So are you done with the math homework that Miss Sheela given before our holiday start  ?" Rose asked

I groaned. "Damm it ! I totally forget about the maths homework!" I replied

"Urmm Rose , you know what could you lend me to copy ?" I asked 

" You always forget to finsh the math homework"! Rose replied

 Fine ! " I will lend you later in school" Rose said 

" Thank you so much , you are really such an amazing friend" I said 

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