Ana The Alien

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 I took a deep breath before I twisted the door knob. My nerves were spiked to an all-time high. I had no idea what was behind this door. I still had my hand on the knob and the door was still closed. I started feeling light head and realized that I was holding my breath so I let it out slowly. Making sure it wasn’t too loud to alarm anyone that was sleeping in the other rooms around the hall. My curiosity was poking at me to push the door open already so I did. Behind the door was not what I was expecting- at all. There I lay sleeping on my couch. My hair tousled in every direction, and I had drool coming out of my mouth and falling down the right side of my face. I was snoring like an animal. Every fiber of my being was telling me to yell and scream for help because I somehow escaped my body and I know I wasn’t dead. At least that’s what I thought. I was breathing; my chest was rising and falling normally. I knew what I was doing at this moment. I read things about escaping your body while you’re sleeping. I forgot what is was called, but I know this is what is happening. I just don’t know how or why. Glancing down at my body, not the one laying on the couch, I saw that my body was translucent. I raised my hand in front of my face and saw right through it. I needed to get back in my body. I don’t want to chance this, like getting stuck in this ghostly state. I felt real, but I was still scared. So, I walked slowly to my body, my hand hovered over my skin. I was just about to touch my arm until the strangest thing happen. I woke up, and I wasn’t the one to do it. I saw my self-glance right past me and then I shrugged-I saw myself shrug. Someone else was in my body! I pushed on my body and all of a sudden I was in dark.

“Hello!” I yelled holding my hands out in front of me blindly. No body answered. I felt cold and alone. I started to hug myself tightly. I was about to shed a tear but the sight on a blinding light in the distance distracted me. It was a bright figure in the shape of a lady coming closer to where I stood.

“Hello there, Marie. I am Ana. I know you’re probably wondering what I am doing in your body right now. Don’t be alarmed I am not here to hurt you. I am here for love.” Ana informed me. I would have thought that this was insane if it wasn’t for what I was experiencing at the moment.

“I’m here to love. You just happen to be the first body I could get ahold of. You see I come from the planet about 2.9 million miles away from Pluto, a planet called Loveless. We don’t love. We can’t. It isn’t allowed. I wanted to know how it felt. I heard stories of love that used to be. I need that. I long for it. Our bodies aren’t like yours; in fact we don’t have bodies only an airy being you humans call souls. I must use your body to fall in love with a human male.” Ana explained further.

“What, are you crazy? What makes you think that id let you take my body. You would have to kill me first.” I said angry with this alien.

Ana came closer, and I finally could take in her appearance. Ana had bright white sparkling skin and dark purple eyes that held so much fierceness that one look could kill. She had white blonde hair that reached her mid-thigh. In short she was a beautiful being. But that doesn’t mean id let her have my body.

“You’re right it wouldn’t be fair of me to take it without a fair fight.” Ana nodded her head while speaking. ”I’ll give you a weapon of your choice.” Ana said then held out her right hand. She shot out a bright light to the right and a wall of weapons appeared.

“You have your pick of the earthly weapons. They’ll stand no chance against my powers. After all humans are very weak creatures.” She said as if she is a higher being then me. I was filled with anger and it fueled me. She was going down. I confidently walked toward the wall that raised up from the ground and picked up my weapon of choice, a flame thrower. I smiled evilly I would of scared myself it I wasn’t so distracted with the goal of killing this horrible creature. She won’t take my body.  I stood a good three feet away from Ana aiming my flame thrower at her.

“Five, four, three, two, one. GO!” Ana yelled holding her hands up using her power to hit me but I blocked it pulling the trigger to my flame thrower blocking her power that streamed towards me. I pushed myself forward trying to break her. I saw sweat on her blond brow, I was breaking her. I’m sure I was sweating too from the heat coming from the wonderful weapon in my hands. But I wasn’t tired; I sure as hell didn’t feel like I was going to break. So, I continued on pushing harder. My muscles started screaming at me to stop but I ignored it. Determined to win this battle and get my body back.  Finally I pushed one last time and her power broke leaving me in complete darkness. I wasn’t scared. I knew I had won. I shut my eyes tight and when I opened them I saw my flat screen TV on my wall. I was in my apartment. I looked down at my body and sighed. I was finally in my own body. Ana was dead. I sighed again and picked up the remote turning on my TV to a childish cartoon with a sponge and a pink talking starfish and slowly started to fall deep in to my slumber.

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