Almost 5 years Later

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Hey guys!!! Hope all is well and can't believe it has been almost 5 years since I wrote this. With now over 3k views closer to 4k views is unbelievable to me. I've read this back and omg you guys do not understand how cringy it was when I read this today. I've grown so much as a writer and am so happy that I can look back at this and realize how this was the start of my writing career. 

I am now about to finish high school with a lil over a month left. It is surreal to think I am really about to start my life. I'm going to be going to  community college in September and stay there for two years and then transfer to a focused film school. I want to become a scriptwriter and even publish a poem book by the age of 20. 

Looking back at the reading today I kind of want to edit it all and maybe even make a new book that will honeslty be 10x better and 10x less cringy so if you'd like to see that please comment down below or like this chapter. Also please give  me suggestions on what you would like to see. 

xoxoxo <3 

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